What is YOUR Dream?



  • MrsPixelbark
    MrsPixelbark Posts: 175 Member
    Honestly? I want to be a vet, it's been a pipedream since I was a young child, and I've worked so hard in the past three years to try and get there. Not just with the exercise and dieting here, because of course there's no such thing as a fat vet, but I've had to work hard going back to school to get the grades and doing more hours volunteering at shelters/vets/farms etc than I would like to admit!

    There's no such thing as a fat vet, and I want to be fit and ready to practice. :3

    That's my main motivation, but of course there's a touch of vanity thrown in there as well. It is rather nice to be able to fit into smaller clothing!
  • marienaegele
    marienaegele Posts: 35 Member
    why am i hear? I want to be the best version of myself ( and the fittest), the best i can and then even better. lets push them limits further!

    whats my vision? I dont want to end up having an ordinary job a husband and two kids like evrybody else. i want my life to be breathtaking full of action. Life is too short to be ordinary!

    Motivations? Looking in the Mirror every morning and seeing things that i can improve on my body / soul / character / lifestyle / success

    thoughts while standing up? Don't sacrifice what you want the most for what you want in the moment so get your lazy a** out of bed.

    looking in the mirror? I guess i look okay, but not good enough yet. Theres always going to be something to improve about myself. ...Sometimes i get overwealmed and start crying because i know that im never going to be completely happy with who i am.. i have really large bones so my frame is really big. And eventhough my bones bones start poking out i still feel fat and unworthy ... but that kinda motivates me to get better and keep going.

    inspiration? when i feel like breaking down and im really depressed i wokr harder and harder and harder until ive accomplished somthing that i can be proud of... so if i didnt lost any weight for a week i'll probably start drawing like mad or prepare a HUGE presentation of some sort to make my grades in school a lil bit better. and when i finally see that i was able to accomplish something i feel somehow better about myself and think i deserve the things i worked for.

    my dream? My dream ist that at the end of my life i can say that i have accomplished everthing that iwanted to acomplish, that i tried everything i wanted to try and that i have lived my life to the fullest. I want to die happy and without regrets so that people will remember me for good.
  • Iron_Maiden
    Iron_Maiden Posts: 326 Member
    I'm here because I want to look like this (minus the bad boob job):
    From the looks of it, you are well on your way! Nice back!!!