Happy to be on board

michaelmcnair Posts: 1
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Everyone

Really excited to be on board. I found the iPhone app and have started using it this last few days. Its very easy and while some of the foods are not there I am learning about the calories etc and no doubt will soon know enough to add my own foods and meals....like i had a schnitzel + salad roll for lunch today and got around it by adding the foods separately.

Anyway I lost about 10kg+ in the last 12 weeks and am currently 94kg hoping to get to about 85kg with a much better muscle ratio.... actually my target is a six pack (muscle not beer ;)

I did martial arts for about 12 years and then stopped to do my MBA and as nice as it is to have finished study I now have some baggage I didn't bargain on having if you know what I mean.

Anyway good luck to all of you with your training and weight management

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