Ripping my hair out

At the beginning of 2012, I was a couch potato. I've gone through phases of laziness and fitness throughout my life, and this was a lazy one. In April I decided to change that and began an outdoor bootcamp that kicked my butt for an hour twice a week. After that, I took another, more intense boot camp, run by an army Sargent, who had us running through the woods for our dear lives twice a week for 90 minutes, doing push-ups and sit-ups in the mud. In July, I went from a casual pocket diary to MFP for tracking food, because I wasn't getting anywhere. Like, seriously...nowhere. Well, here it has been, 2.5 months. And I've joined a gym and continued to go 3 times per week. My eating isn't perfect but I'm still in my 20's.....and the changes I've made should be significant enough to at least make a dent, shouldn't they?

Does this:


Really lead to this?: