The Excuses Stop Here

Hello All, :smile:

I am brand spankin' new here on MFP but from what I've read so far, it's a great place to get started 'for real' and in the process make new friends who truly understand what it takes to lose weight and keep it off.

I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes in 2007 and so far I've kept it under fairly decent control but having this disease makes it a bear to actually drop weight because of the glucose intolerance. This isn't an excuse because I am committed to doing whatever it takes....I can't go on as a 'spectator' on the sidelines of my own life anymore! I want to have more energy to actually participate and live my life while I still have the gift of living. The extra 70 pounds on me now prevents that from happening because I'm always tired and ache all over so that everything I do is an effort.

I hate exercising and always have even when I was 'the perfect weight' which I was for many years. It's only since I've gotten older that the weight slowly but surely crept up on me. I know, however, that when I do walk I feel better so I will use that awareness to get back on the treadmill or to walk outside when the weather permits and do it on a regular basis.

It seems like a great place here where others are willing to help and give encouragement and that's always a good thing so count me in, please.

Regards, Laura


  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    Welcome, Laura! You can do it! You will be feeling better soon, all the way around.
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me. This site is a great tool, and you can take charge of your life!