WOMEN ONLY.... Please....



  • mgoetsch1982
    mgoetsch1982 Posts: 392 Member
    I know that it can be quite painful when TOM comes around. Mine aren't close to as bad as yours. A couple of things help. Exercise will help reduce the overall length of the TOM as well as reduce some of the discomfort. One thing I found out that helped was Yaz. It got rid of all of my cramps. fatigue and headaches! However, if it is that bad, I would recommend speaking with your doctor about it!
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    evening primrose oil designed in tablet form for this reason (in uk we have the well woman brand) taken all month, not just when near. Puka women's tea and feminax tablets or what ever your countries equivalent is.
  • sarah1334
    sarah1334 Posts: 77 Member
    I had similar problems when I was younger. My gynecologist prescribed me a painkiller pill that I took at my TOM. It was stronger than any over the counters. It made life so much easier. When I started taking birth control, my cramps became tolerable, so I stopped taking the pain killer.

    However, if you want an option that is not birth control (and doesn't come with birth control side effects), then maybe ask your doc about some stronger medication?
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I remember a few months ago I was posting the same sort of thing on facebook--TERRIBLE cramps and also my boobs would be KILLING me for the week leading up.

    After I started paying attention to my diet and exercise, things got A LOT better. I had no PMS in July or August. The breast tenderness returned in September, but it wasn't as bad, and the cramps were minimal and bearable without any OTC pain relievers.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Ok, I'm a guy and I obviously have not experienced this but this is solid advice on top of what you are hearing here (contraception, fibroids, etc).

    Overall, here are the current best guidelines on the subject ...


    AND while this does not treat or help the primary dysmenorrhea it can be an additional relief.
    Lie down on a bed or on the floor and have someone do the following:

    1) place a hand on the small of the back (or the heal of a foot)
    2) press with constant and slow pressure towards your feet but not down into the bed or floor as if they were trying to stretch your back down
    3) slowly increase or move the pressure are to get some relief and a sort of massaging sense for the muscles in the back

    This is a pressure/massage area that seems to provide some relief of the tension/pain around TOM cramps for many women. Again, it does not treat or really help on the dysmenorrhea but it does give additional relief for the tension it creates. Hope it works for you.
  • supriya_62
    Just 5 days before your period start taking B-complex with C- vitamin tablets one per day and reduce spicy food and During the cycle 1tbs of sugar, indian ghee in 1/2 glass of luke warm water will give relief quickly .
  • sherim71
    sherim71 Posts: 130 Member
    I'm so sorry for anyone going through this because I've been there/done that. The only thing that ever worked for me was birth control pills. If I was not on them, I hurt to an unbelievable degree. I was on Vicodin and that was not working at the end. I almost have to laugh at women who suggest "try a heating pad" because there is no way a heating pad is going to touch pain at that level. Finally had a hysterectomy at 39 because there was no "cause" for the pain - no PCOS, no endometriosis, no cysts. BEST thing I have ever done!!!!!

    Make sure your gyno gives a thorough work up for any causes. Then you just have to decide how much you are willing to live with the pain vs the side effects of birth control pills or other meds. There are things that will "get you through" and there are things that will probably take it away (the pill). If you have pain for no medically discernible reason like I did, they say the uterine ablation is not meant to address pain, it is meant to address heavy flow. That's why I opted for the hysterectomy (uterine only). Good luck!!
  • Haley_Diane
    Haley_Diane Posts: 42 Member
    You've gotten some great advice here! I'll add my couple of cents worth. I haven't ever experienced symptoms to the point that you have, and I'm so sorry for your pain. I used to have a lot of cramping and back pain. I did some research on it and some friends told me that there could be a link between the bleach used in commercial feminine hygiene products and excessive bleeding, cramping, etc. I decided to do some informal research on my own. I've switched away from them almost completely. I use a Diva Cup, sometimes Instead Cups. I prefer the Diva because it's reusable, so I'm not generating any trash. However, even before I switched to the Diva, I tried cloth pads.

    I will say that I am honestly shocked at the difference. My TOMs are shorter, less painful and less like a bloodbath. I really didn't expect to see that kind of big difference. I switched back briefly to see if I'd get crampy again and I did. This isn't to say that I don't cramp, it's just not even bad enough to bother opening the bottle of ibuprofen.

    I hope you get some answers soon. I'm sorry you're in so much pain.
  • Gurlyknockout
    Gurlyknockout Posts: 115 Member
    I am dealing with this as we speak. I too have Endometriosis and it causes extreme pain and bleeding at that TOM. A friend told me about peppermint tea and ground ginger for the cramps. I swear it works wonders! I just make a normal cup of tea put in my peppermint tea bag add a little sugar and cream and a few dashes of ground ginger. The ground ginger is what helps with the cramps and back ache the tea helps with the tummy.
  • Vini9
    Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
    I had these same problems. I had cyscts on my overies. My doctor put me on the pill and they rupured. Once this happened I was alot better. Then I had my children and the same things started again, I was told/saw I had a very large cycst that could twist and be surgery. This I did not want and started to look for things naturally. A friend and her sister said that she did a detox and it made her monthly like a dream. This I had to try! It's a product by Qivana called Detoxe. You do it for 30 days, Then whenever you want to or take it everyday. It's a urine detoxe so you don't go the the bathroom all the time like other detoxe's. Let me just say WOW my tom IS a dream. (If that is possable I'd rather not have it at all) Really! I can't believe it. I also got my cycst checked and it's gone, the detoxe flushed it. My mom has fibermangia and I got her to take it and that's gone for her too! I would look into it, you can friend me to find out more ( it has other benifits too). If you don't want to do this, that's ok it just worked for everyone I mentioned. I would also get checked by your doctor and if your not happy with the awswers check another doctor. There is always something that can be done. One other thing I would note is my doctor told me to help with cramps, take calcium. I took tums for fast releif and drank milk ,as someone else mentioned in another post. Hope this helps and good luck.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I am finally feeling better. At least for now. I've had plenty of water... which surprisingly has helped. I've also had Advil and 3 bananas. Apparently, bananas have high iron, and it seemed to help me today.
  • Vini9
    Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
    Well that is great, I hope that you feel much better all the time soon!
  • sgoetz76
    You should talk to your doctor and get checked for uterine fibroids. They can cause a lot of pain and heavy bleeding. There are also holisitc therapies through supplements to help with this if you don't want to go the medical route.
  • quietasariot
    quietasariot Posts: 198 Member
    I know people have suggested "exercise" but even when I was exercising 5+ days a week my period did not get any better, the pain did not get better, and I was still left with excruciating cramps every month. I get nauseated, I bleed excessively, and have to keep taking Aleve pretty much all day to get rid of the pain. Feels like I got hit down there with a bag of bricks (for lack of a better description). Worse yet, my cycle is shorter than it used to be. Right around that TOM my running times are extremely long and I can only make it to mile 2 before I have to turn around and go home (or, step off the treadmill...) because of the pain and nausea.

    Personally, I'm done having kids and I would be THRILLED to have a hysterectomy if it meant I didn't have to deal with the pain and numerous tampons and pads every month. However, I only have state health insurance so until I have "real" health insurance I will suffer.

    I HAVE read that fish oil/Omega-3s will help with it, but ... I took fish oil and wound up with an extremely upset stomach several days in a row, no matter if I ate or not.

    All I can say is to go to the doctor. That's what I'll be doing soon, too - just can't take it for another 20 years :/.
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    i used to have the same kind of debilitating cramps like you. my doctor put me on birth control that is safe to take continually so i only have 4 periods a year which totally reduces the amount of pain i'm in and actually made my scheduled periods WAY better. talk to your doc about doing something similar because you shouldnt have to lose parts of your life from the pain, trust me i know. other than that in the meantime pop some really strong ibuprofin and take a nap. feel better!
  • Sammibullellu
    grrrreeeaaaat.....I just had to be nosey and see what the topic was. (slaps self upside the head)....and Uncle TOM? I thought it was Aunt Flo

    Well at least you may sympathise NOW.......... lol
  • Sammibullellu
    I used to use Evening Primrose oil capsules, and Fish oil capsules.. Have a browse through the Health shops.. Some things work different for other people. But I found this most helpful. My mother had to go to hospital too and suffered for years and I have daughters who suffer. WHY.........???? I wish we could just touch a button and stop TOM when we've finished having our children.
  • RubyRubixcube
    RubyRubixcube Posts: 258 Member
    I've heard black molasses is good I havent tried it personally though

    what I have tried is HydroCal... Its a calcium magnesium complex powder you add the a glass of water each night. Tasted good and totally helped ease my cramping so I could keep working (at the time I ran a warehouse)

    check out this group if your looking for advice or need to vent

  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    I have no period. I get the depo shot
  • ktmmom189
    ktmmom189 Posts: 132 Member
    The pill definitely can help. Also that happened to me after I went off the pill. My OB/GYN went in and scraped my uterus 3000 x's better now. I would go talk to an OB/GYN.