Im worried.....

NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
edited September 20 in Success Stories
I havent had much success in getting to my weight i want...for those of you who have lost weigh, was there a point where you stopped losing? if so how long did it last and what did you do to start losing again?

This is what I get for getting on the scale. I weighed in on friday and I was sad that it hadnt moved when i got on it today....


  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Sometimes it takes time. I remember going sometimes 4 and even 5 weeks without a loss, :grumble: or maybe even having a slight gain! :cry: But, I just kept being totally honest about every mouthful that was going into my mouth, got some exercise, drank lots and lots of water, and, it happened! :bigsmile: :happy: Hopefully it will for you too! :drinker:
  • I weight myself everyday. I know i shouldn't but I do. My weight goes up and down, but I don't let it bother me I just count every Monday as my official weigh in. So as long as I have lost each Monday to Monday I don't worry.

    Remember if you weight at different times of the day it makes a difference. If you have just eaten or even had a drink. I always weight first thing in the morning after I have been to the bathroom. Mad I know!
  • mereb
    mereb Posts: 6
    Weighing yourself every week first thing in the morning....good idea! I have a tendency to weigh myself everyday too! If I feel lighter I will run into the bathroom and weigh myself, even if it is right before bed and that can be discouraging!!
  • GumbyAnne
    GumbyAnne Posts: 130 Member
    I have always heard people talk about how hard the last 15 pounds are. Like clockwork, I got to 15 pounds shy of my goal and hit a brick wall. I have yet to overcome that. In fact I have gained 3 back. Boo.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    This shows that you have just started on MFP this month. It is only the 11th today so you really haven't been doing this long. Have you logged in everything that you have eaten after you have weighed and measured it? Have you used a heart rate monitor to see how many calories you are burning during exercise?

    Weight loss is not an exact science. I set my goals to lose 2 lbs per week and there are many weeks when I haven't lost that. My weight loss has not been a straight decreasing line, it more looks like a very bumpy slope with ups and downs as well as lots of straight lines. Be patient, it doesn't happen over night and don't worry about the day to day fluctuations. The overall picture is what counts. Measure yourself too. Sometimes when the weight stays there, the inches drop.
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