A vertically challenged newbie here!

Hi there,

I'd like to introduce myself...My username is Lilypad513 and I am determined to get down a few sizes! One thing I am concerned about is (and maybe there's someone who can answer or help with this) is that I've had to take Predisone multiple times for health reasons. Now, if you don't know about this medication, it is notorious for putting on weight and I've heard it also makes it very difficult to take off. Am wondering if anyone has had any experience with this.

A bit about me...I live in the beautiful foothills of the Sierra Mountains in California in a restored farmhouse on an acre of land. I'm a mom, retired and love to paint and write poetry. Unfortunately, I also seem to like to eat all the wrong things!

I'm looking forward to meeting many of you here and hope to contribute positively to the site in general. Being supportive is just as important to me as being supported, so while I may not know you yet, I will look forward to getting to know all of you.


  • MarshJulie1989
    How short are you? I'm 5'1 and I went from size four pushing a size six to a very loose size 2. It's quite nice. Losing weight is harder for shorties (took me MONTHS to lose ten lbs) and we have the added challenge of trying to pack all our nutrients into a small amount of calories. I'm more on the maintain path right now, but welcome! and good luck!
  • Mandee87
    Mandee87 Posts: 35 Member
    I was on Prednisone for well over a year when I was around 10. It was for severe Asthma. I was on such a high dose for so long that I blew up like a balloon, and also had my Adrenal glands shut down on me. I am almost 23 years old now, and have been over weight since I was on Prednisone. I'm not saying I blame Prednisone solely for me being over weight, but I think that there is definitely a possibility that my metabolism may run slower because of it. ( I was under weight before being on Prednisone)
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    Hi there, welcome! I too am vertically challenged; I am 4'11" and shrinking. I too, take 10 to 15mg of prednisone daily amongst other medications for rheumatoid arthritis. I have been on prednisone for 15 years, but have never noticed weight gain from it. I have been here at MFP for right at a month. I am here to lose weight to ease the pain in my joints and to fit back in my favorite jeans. I am also a competitive swimmer, so losing some weight will help with that as well.

    You mentioned you are near the Sierras; I'm in the foothills of the San Bernardino Mountains in Ontario. Welcome to MFP and all of the best!
  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    Hi there, welcome! I too am vertically challenged; I am 4'11" and shrinking. I too, take 10 to 15mg of prednisone daily amongst other medications for rheumatoid arthritis. I have been on prednisone for 15 years, but have never noticed weight gain from it. I have been here at MFP for right at a month. I am here to lose weight to ease the pain in my joints and to fit back in my favorite jeans. I am also a competitive swimmer, so losing some weight will help with that as well.

    You mentioned you are near the Sierras; I'm in the foothills of the San Bernardino Mountains in Ontario. Welcome to MFP and all of the best!

    I say I'm 4'11" but I'm not even that tall :blushing:
  • mrsbeck
    mrsbeck Posts: 234 Member
    5'1 over here. Isn't it awesome? Every pound you gain looks like five, and every five you lose looks like one.
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    5'1 over here. Isn't it awesome? Every pound you gain looks like five, and every five you lose looks like one.

    Haha!! So very true!!! AND, everyone notices when you gain, but never notice when you lose!
  • lilypad513
    Well, compared to some of you, I am quite tall at 5'2"....and yes, I totally agree with every pound you gain looking like five and every five you lose looking like one!

    The other thing I have yet to figure out, is why the scale always reads higher so much faster than it does to read lower! As far as the Predisone, I weighed 105 lbs then had a great many times when it was given at very high doses while hospitalized (over 20 times)...the result being I am no longer a skinny minnie but rather a fluffy frieda! However, I am now determined to be somewhere in the middle of each...... I miss seeing my toes! LOL

    Thanks all for the warm welcome!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    5'1 over here. Isn't it awesome? Every pound you gain looks like five, and every five you lose looks like one.

    Ha! So true! :laugh:

    5'1" and some change, here. I only WISH I was trying to slim down from a size 6 or an 8... :embarassed: I don't know when I was ever that small, certainly before Jr. High. Maybe I'll be there in the future, after much hard work. :wink:

    Welcome, Lily!
  • Mandee87
    Mandee87 Posts: 35 Member
    I think I may be the tallest lol. I'm 5'3"
  • rudyroo
    rudyroo Posts: 5 Member
    I am 4"11, and totally agree, if I was 5"6 I wouldn't have as far to go.......................My mum is 5"1 but has always been skinny...her idea of losing weight was cutting out sugar from her coffee for a week.........I come from my fathers gene pool.....!!!
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    5'1" (with shoes :embarassed: ) here :bigsmile:

    I haven't been a size 6 in well over 10 years now... but that's my goal. :love: