New & can't wait to start this new lifestyle!

I'm Kat. I'm 19 years old... I've always had issues with my weight and have done the whole diet / exercise thing, but never had the motivation to ever do anything. All of a sudden I just woke up and realized this isn't the life I wanted to live anymore and just got off my booty and finally did something with myself. Haha!

I love new friends that are going through this tough but awesome new life, so feel free to add me. I'm here to motivate & support you because trust me, if I can do it, I know anybody can.



  • love_
    love_ Posts: 25
    Awesome girl! You're definitely in the right place for that change. :) I have met some really nice, encouraging people on here. About to request you! :)
  • nkfxo
    nkfxo Posts: 20
    Yea I see that! People on here are amazinggg (: