Moms Of Preschoolers

Is anyone else a member of MOPS? I love MOPS so much that this year I am on the steering team. Its a great place to meet other moms, get a short break from the kids (they are left down in the nursery of the church with the nursery workers), learn a new craft, and listen to a speaker.

My question is during potluck buffetts how do you watch your calories?!? I love all the different foods people bring! Should I avoid the food altogether and eat something when I get home? Would love your opinions!


  • lsjd2000
    lsjd2000 Posts: 287 Member
    i love mops - i try to pick from the healthier meals at the potluck or smaller servings of whats availiable - i usually try to leave some wiggle room that evening just in case - mostly becasue someone always makes a really good dessert and i want to be able to have some with out feeling guilty over going over my calories. We are having a MNO this week and its prob a good thing that i am working cause they are going to cold stone.