Lost Motivation



  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    It's tough when you've gotten down to or close to your goal to keep going. I found that getting rid of EVERY SINGLE piece of clothing that are even a little big on me was a big motivation not to let myself slip. I hate shopping. I know that if I packed on 10lbs, I'd be hard pressed to fit in anything, so I know I have to stay the course. I also try to schedule things that make me want to keep fit throughout the year. Whether its a walking challenge at work, a trip that I'll be likely in a bikini or maybe a 5k run (I don't because I don't enjoy running, but I thought about signing up for one so I'd have to train), just something to keep working towards.

    Rewards help too. Doesn't have to be expensive or food related, but doing a week's worth of workouts with no excuses is worth an extra "treat".
  • Aquarian
    Aquarian Posts: 1,094 Member
    I have clothes that motivate me. I always have a cute dress that's just a tad too tight to aspire for. I have also gone to shops to try out dresses in a size too small to keep me going - so that the next time I visit the shop, that size would fit and the next lower size would look appealing. :D I always have some mini-rewards for every 5 kg loss. :) (Not food rewards!) Plus, I have exercise rewards for every 1000 minutes of workout. Then, for every week of eating right, I treat myself to a little something, like a nice book or earring or something - and feel proud to have earned it. :)
  • ohnoetry
    ohnoetry Posts: 129
    Maybe you could switch up your exercise? I know you said your problem is with eating, but it's taken me a LONG time (still struggling with it) to realize that your diet is the number one indicator of your weight, regardless of exercise. The saying, "it's impossible to out exercise a bad diet" is SO true. For me, I started training for a 5K which set off my appetite (hungry ALL THE TIME) so I figured because I was exercising six times a week, I could ignore my diet a little--NOT TRUE! It sucks, but the truth is, you gotta eat right.

    This article helps explain it: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-jonny-bowden/exercise-benefits_b_1777630.html

    So what I'm saying is, maybe take a step from your exercise routine and get a handle on your food choices. Start by making small changes, look through your food diary and see where you can cut back.
  • Bump
  • SopranogirlCa
    SopranogirlCa Posts: 188 Member
    So true!
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    I'm in a similar rut...I work in a tax department and our biggest deadline was a couple weeks ago. It was super stressful and I slacked on my exercise and a little on my eating. Figure out what motivates you and go with that...it's different for everyone.

    For me, I like cooking with super fresh and local ingredients. So I'm going to start going to the farmers market outside my work to pick up local stuff that I'll be more excited to cook healthy with.

    I'm still struggling with getting back on track with exercise. I've never enjoyed it (both my work and virtually all my hobbies are pretty sedentary) so I'm hoping I can use a 7 day trial at a local gym to jump start me since I like learning new things. Once I get off my butt, I'll be learning how to lift (something I've never really done before) and maybe trying out a class or two after I did about half a bootcamp program last year and now know that while I won't be winning any awards for athleticism, I survived.

    As far as friends, I've had more success sticking with it since I added friends. I used it from March to June without friends and would go offline for a week or more at a time. Now that I added friends starting in June, I'm on here every day and it's almost addicting. It keeps me accountable and logging so even when I'm not making the best choices, I'm at least tracking it.
  • Friends on myfitnesspal is a wonderful thing. I can smile everyday when someone gives me a verbal "pat on the back" for a job well done or picks me up each time I fall. Friend us.....you'll see. It helps!

    I have to be held accountable. With that being said, I signed up for a 4 day a week bootcamp (I pay for it so I feel obligated to show up), and I've met friends there that give me crap if I don't show, but I never "don't show", so...I get to give them crap. I've also joined a 90 day weightloss challenge with approx. 100 other women around the country. We organized it all online. We just started the last 30 days. It all worked out perfect to get me to my goal weight by my 50th birthday which is in November. That also has been a great motivator...having a goal and a time-frame to achieve that goal. So, with a little clever thinking and friends on MFP to motivate you, you can get back on track and reach that weightloss goal.

    Take care, D
  • rickthexpreacher
    rickthexpreacher Posts: 57 Member
    Spend time each day just pseudo meditating. 10 minutes visualising what you will look like when you have reached target. Viualise yourself in all the great clothes you can't wear at present. And out of that, try and develop a positive mental attitude to all aspects of life. When you do that, suddenly the Biblical quote that starts "I can do all things" comes alive. If you have a faith just add the extra bit "through God".
    it's quite remarkable what happens with that attitude. But you have to work at it.
  • Maybe joining a team challenge would help. There are a lot of good ones out there.
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    Spend time each day just pseudo meditating. 10 minutes visualising what you will look like when you have reached target. Viualise yourself in all the great clothes you can't wear at present. And out of that, try and develop a positive mental attitude to all aspects of life. When you do that, suddenly the Biblical quote that starts "I can do all things" comes alive. If you have a faith just add the extra bit "through God".
    it's quite remarkable what happens with that attitude. But you have to work at it.

    That's actually something that would be interesting to try- I love to meditate, but I've never done it with a goal to visualize other then relaxation.
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    Thanks for all the great advice everyone!
  • tuck1jl
    tuck1jl Posts: 55 Member
    i have a bunch of friends on here... BUT the motivation has to come from within. You can't depend on anyone else to motivate you. Either you're comitted or you aren't. Plain and simple.


    I would just remember why you started this weightloss journey to begin with. And think 6 months from now how bad you will feel because you didn't push through. My motivation comes and goes on a daily basis but I know that if I don't keep going the only person I'm letting down is myself. I know I can't go back to how I was before so the only direction to go is forward.

    Keep pushing. you will get there
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Something else, do friends on here really help keep you on track? I always deny friend requests just because I don't know why I'd need friends on here, but I guess if people are actually looking at what's going on with me and giving me crap when I'm doing poorly, that might help...

    Friends work if it goes both ways. You have to be a friend and the other person needs to be also. Sometimes you my find that someone isn't helpful so you can unfriend them, but friends on MFP can be very helpful.