


  • Aswiniraj
    Aswiniraj Posts: 6 Member
    I will def read those links! Thanks :)
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    You didn't get fat over night it isn't going to come off over night....be patient.......WOW...your diary is empty....how can we help you.
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224
    Doesn't matter exactly which brand/make/model you buy just make sure what you get is ACCURATE. A food scale is very helpful too because you can measure in weight instead of volume which is much more accurate. I use pyrex measuring cups, and I have mason jars that work out in a pinch bc they have measurements on the sides.
  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    Hi all!

    I joined MFP Before couple of weeks and havent really found any result. I started at 153 lbs, 5'3" and now I am just 1 lb down. I am an indian and I donno where I am going wrong :(.. I need help and motivation from you guys.. My target is to lose 25 lbs in 4-5 months. Please help!!


    Sorry to hear that but:
    1) This is a food tracking website not a dieting miracle.
    2) You need to set goals that will help you like eating above BMR or else it's counterproductive
    3) from what you've logged ask yourself if you've made healthier choices, are you watching your macronutrient intake.
    4) Do more research on nutrition and healthy dieting
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    It's going to take longer than a couple weeks-I know we all want it to come off faster than that but truth be told, it won't (at least not in a good way and it won't stay off)

    I agree with a food scale being helpful

    Edited to add: do you work out? if you do, how much? I looked at a couple days and saw just a bit of exercise but didn't see any water, I know you said a few days are empty since you moved
  • castell5
    castell5 Posts: 234 Member
    I am the same height as you and I was starting to think at my age 48 my metabolism must have changed cause I found it was harder then in the past to lose weight. But on May 6, 2012, I woke up suddenly "right in the head" about really doing it and I began to run. Never was a runner in my life, never thought I could ever really be any kind of long distance runner, but here I am down 35 lbs and instead of just being able to run barely once around a high school track, today I ran 12 laps around the track, walked one then ran another 2 laps.. If you haven't tried running.. you may want to try starting with that. Weather is good now to start by running outside. If shin splints are an issue, don't use sneakers. Use the Five Finger Toe shoes. I get shin splints from sneakers, I don't from the Vibram Five fingers.. not sure why.
    Don't give up.. you can do it.. we all can. There is not "trick" to losing weight. It is DIET + EXERCISE + WILLPOWER> That is it!
  • cindybowcut
    cindybowcut Posts: 250 Member
    After looking at your diary I think you need to add some fruits and veggies. Also there was no water logged. Do you drink water, you need to drink a lot. Aslo add some cardio and strength training to your day.
  • stephaniec78
    stephaniec78 Posts: 76 Member
    Can someone just me about what measuring devices should I buy??

    The devices don't have to be anything fancy. Any grocery store or discount store like Walmart or Target will have them. I would get a set of dry measuring cups, they usually come in 1 cup, 1/2 cup, 1/3 cup, and 1/4 cup, I would also get a measuring cup for liquids Some people use a food scale to weigh their food, but that is a bit much for me I just stick to my measuring cups.

    I would suggest once you get your measuring cups to get your favorite serving spoons out and use them to fill your measuring cups so that you can see how much the spoon holds. That way when serving your dishes you already know how much you are getting without having to get your measuring cup out everytime.
  • alleviator
    Be sure to keep an eye on your body measurements, too... not just your weight. Some people see the inches come off the waist and hips long before they see the pounds come off, especially with weight training. And like the others have said, diet is very important -- not only what you eat but how much you eat.
  • 1182sheep
    1182sheep Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, Don't beat your self up. And above all don't quit.

    I know how hard it is to stay with the program when you have a thousand other things going on. Moving is a big deal. If you have children, I am sure that there is very little time left for logging and shopping let alone cooking and eating correctly in addition to making time for doing a "search and log" for all the foods on the computer.

    DONT GIVE UP Follow the good advice of others here, but don't let the well meaning folks make you feel lazy if you are not. I find going low carb helps me break plateus. meaning mostly meats and salads... Very litte starch or sugar. If I get costipated I add benefiber to my coffee in the morning. Hope this helps.
  • lrt1966
    Make sure you eat some protein with every meal. It will keep you feeling full longer and it keeps your metabolism up, too, since it requires more effort for your body to digest.

    Another trick that's worked for me is having a 100-150 calorie, protein based snack between breakfast and lunch and again between lunch and dinner. Having the snack doesn't give my metabolism a chance to slow down dramatically between meals.