Getting back on the bandwagon!

One step forward and two steps back, but still trucking!

I went from around 160 to 140 during my senior year of high school, started Insanity, and was well on my way to getting fit.. until it got to about half-way through May, and my life got pretty busy with prepping for graduation and exams, and I stopped doing Insanity about 2 weeks short of the finish line :l I didn't exercise very much during the summer, but I kept most of the weight off until around August, when I had one too many days of "I'm leaving for college soon, I'll make up for this ice cream/chilli fries when I get there", and gained about 5 pounds back. I gained about another 5 pounds back during my first month and a half of college, and I decided that enough was enough- I bought a scale and put myself on a strict diet (for the most part :p). I've lost about 5 pounds so far (maybe more- I'm only going to weigh myself weekly on Sundays), and now I'm on my third day of Insanity. And you'd better believe that I'm going to hit day 63 (December 1st) with all that I've got.

Speed bumps happen - the most important thing is getting back on track and keeping a good attitude!

I'm 5'4, currently around 145 pounds, and aiming to be somewhere around 120-130 (depending on tone) and sports-bra ready for band camp 2013! I'm so happy to be sore again! x)