two weeks in

Ugggg, I do my second weigh in tomorrow. Thank goodness I dont think Ive gained, but Im pretty sure I didnt lose either. Lol, my downfall has always been, I want what I want when I want it! I want to lose 10 lbs, and I want them gone NOW...I get so frustrated...Even though Its been very snowy and cold for the past week, I go out every day and walk 4 miles...and I really am trying to eat right, but we all slip up right....So how come im not down a few more lbs? Sigh. I just needed a little bit of whining out of my system...thanks for listening....Angie:ohwell:


  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    it's ok to whine. good luck .
    FITKIST Posts: 21 Member
    angie!! At least you are coming back - once you stop soming here for support, to whine or log in no matter how good or bad your numbers you will have missed your mark. It is a long road but you should focus on the positive - you are doing the right thing!!