Scares to get on scales

Hello everyone im fairly new to this fitness pal thing.... Well joined ages ago but didnt really log food diary until this time around (approx 1 week ago). Anyway ive struggled with weight all my life, and the scales are a very scary place for me to go - maybe others feel the same. If i go on the scales, i know the scales will become my best friend, my enemy, and everything else in between. I have eating disorders in the past, and the scales are fricken scary as hell.

Anyway this week has been mainly good, but yesterday i had a minor blow out. So this morning im thinking new day and start again, and feeling positive.

Hope everyone is having a good day/week. Hello to everyone. And yeah the spring has arrived here in Australia. :-)


  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    I was scared of the scales too.
    I didn't let the trainer tell me how much I weighed when I joined the gym a year and a half ago.
    When I joined this site I had to put my weight so it could calculate my food requirements and the amount burned by exercise.
    So I bit the bullet.
    Now I'm happy to weigh cos it keeps a-goin' down.
    (not every day, I know that, but if it doesn't go up by more than 1 Kg I feel great, it will go back again soon enough.)
  • jljewell
    jljewell Posts: 28 Member
    I have a similar relationship with the scale, and found myself compulsively weighing myself daily. To combat that, I put my scale away and will only weigh myself at the health coaching office where I work -- and I can only go there once a month. That will hopefully keep me from obsessing over the number and concentrate on other positive signs.
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    Try just using a tape measure and log down what you measure once a week. :smile:
  • justmyalias
    justmyalias Posts: 153 Member
    I posted something very similar earlier today.
    I never weigh myself. Maybe it's a fear.
    But I think of it more as a trigger.
    I have dealt with eating issues and disorders most of my life.
    I can become very obsessive in a very unhealthy way when I see the numbers, so I just don't.
    I know by the way my body looks and my clothes fit where I am.
    Since I am so carefully tracking things now, I did think about it, but I am still reluctant...
  • wickednitsch
    wickednitsch Posts: 29 Member
    Monday morning I stepped on the scale and it said I had gained 10+ pounds over the weekend! :sad: I was devastated and baffled and depressed and everything that goes along with gaining weight. I was SO turned off by food. I ate thoughtfully and logged diligently. I had to go grocery shopping that evening. I shopped consciously and skipped the cheese order at the deli counter, picked out lots of nice fruits and veggies, and avoided the ice cream aisle completely. As far as I was concerned I was punished and was not allowed even a Skinny Cow. I got home late that evening with my arms full of groceries and fully exhausted. After putting all the food away and collapsing onto the couch my husband (with a spoonful of ice cream just leaving his lips) asks, "Did you pick up batteries for the scale? I think they are going dead because it had an error message on it this afternoon when I got home from work."

    I could have hugged him and punched him and cried all at the same time!!! After processing what had happened and just how stressed and disappointed in myself I had been, I've realized a few things:

    1. I have an unrealistic fear of all the weight I've lost (I've lost 35 before MFP) miraculously and horrifically re-appearing someday. :noway: I need to emphasize the "unrealistic" part.
    2. If I am eating well and exercising regularly, I need to lighten up on myself and remember I'm doing the best I can.
    3. Sometimes - just sometimes - it's okay to question what is happening with all of this eating/exercise stuff and say, "NO way!"

    Cheers to all of you and good luck on your journey - wherever it takes you.