Beach Body-- Turbo Jam??

So I've been looking into getting this.. Has anyone had any experience with it???


  • PattyTheUndefeated
    PattyTheUndefeated Posts: 302 Member
    Well, I can tell you that if you stick with it it'll work. I've lost all of my weight with it. It's an insane cardio workout especially if your are just starting out. And there's enough variety with all the different DVD's that you'll never get bored. It does take some getting used to as you need to learn to coordinate all moves kinda like a choreography, but once you get through that it's smooth sailing. And Chalene is pretty motivating through out the different workouts.

    I'm personally a HUGE fan or Turbo Jam because it worked for me.

  • jentx
    jentx Posts: 244
    Love these videos, I feel like I'm not even working out cause they are so much fun!! I recommend them to everyone, and the music is really good too, it's not the typical background music :)
  • IsabellaCullen
    I need to dust mine off & try to get back into them!!

    When I got Turbo Jam 2 years ago, I loved it, but I had such a hard time getting the choreography down! Then, once I did, I was enjoying it so much - and was seeing results. Then I got sick, life got hectic, I had to move, etc and here it is, two years later, all the weight is back (and then some) and I'm looking forward to starting them up again! (My schedule is to work on getting my meals under control & get used to that, and then incorporating Turbo Jam in about a week or two --- if I try to do it all at once, I overwhelm myself & then quit).

    They are low impact, but fast paced, so they're really good if you're in an apartment or a similar situation .... and Chalene is pretty upbeat & personable. I do like that most of those that are in the workouts with her are those who have used the program to reshape themselves!! Quite the testimonial!

    Good luck!!
  • marinewifey4707
    Thanks everyone!! I'm just getting started with my life change! lol... I'm starting with changing the way I eat.. and I want to start an exercise program. I figured some type of video with be better for me.. I work crazyyy hours at work.. and the gym near me is only open til 10 at night..and then closed on sundays. I wanted something I won't get bored with.. and something that will work.. Looks like I'm gonna order it! =)
  • beaujolie
    The ab. video is great..... better than getting down on the floor
  • Jenna423
    Jenna423 Posts: 178 Member
    I also LOVE Turbo Jam! I've gotten off the track but I have a lot of her DVD's and I haven't found one that I didn't enjoy. I highly recommend them!!!! Chalene is great too, she keeps you goin just when you think your gonna poop out!