Diabetic Balance between exercise and food

Hello there,
I have been a diabetic for the last few of years. The beginning of August my two teenage sons had an intervention of sorts with me because I wasn`t taking care of myself, eating properly, exercising or getting enough rest. I took it to heart that they cared enough about me to do that and since that time have been working really hard at losing some weight, getting lots of walking in and even getting rest and me time. Since the beginning of August I have lost 10 lbs (didn`t start here till Sept) and probably walked more than 120 miles to do that, along with eating healthier. I love MFP because it allows me to track my food and exercise and give a balance there. My sugars have been really good but now I`m at a point if I do too much walking, my sugars are dropping really low and are difficult to bring up. Today I needed 2 pieces of fruit at a snack, along with veggies and a cucumber dip just to bring it to a point I wasn`t shaking.

How do other diabetics balance the exercise and sugars. I don`t want to eat all my exercise points. I don`t mind eating some of them but that just defeats the purpose. Today I walked 4.5 miles.....1.5 before breakfast, 2 at lunch and 1 after supper. I don`t do that every day but I do get in at least 1.5 to 2.5 miles as a rule.

Any suggestions would be greats.



  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member

    My suggestion would be that you contact your doctor's office and ask for a referral to a registered dietician (assuming that such a visit will be covered by your insurance, which I hope it would be, since you are diabetic).

    You need to explain to the dietician how much you are exercising and when, and relay to him/her the stories about your low blood sugar episodes. Bring along some typical MFP reports and you and your dietician can work together to plan an exercise and eating regimen that will help you to keep your blood sugar more stable. He/she can analyze your information to help you determine the best timing for eating/exercising/medication so that you avoid these lows.

    I know that you may have already seen a dietician previously, but your lifestyle has recently changed, and you are experiencing difficulty. I think it best for you to get professional assistance, rather than relying on help from MFP strangers.

    Good luck.
  • AnnMombourquette
    Thank you. I have been to a dietician as part of my treatment and unfortunately the one at the clinic where I go is one apple short of a barrel (if you know what I mean (lol)). The other one I have travelled to is quite a distance away therefore I have been doing this on my own. The problem lies in the fact my exercise is random some days, others it is more scheduled. I will definitely have to save extra food for around exercise and make sure if I need the extra calories, I take them.

    Thanks for your reply. Have a great day!!