Unhelpful friends



  • janbez
    janbez Posts: 37 Member
    You inspired me with your post, and I would have been one to give you a shout out for the accomplishment. A year is a long time. I've been on MFP for two months, and some days, it is really tough to keep going. Good for you, and keep it up!
  • snarf432
    snarf432 Posts: 91 Member
    what an amazing accomplishemnt! one year and only 6 congrats...boo on your 'friends'. Time for some new ones...feel free to add me if you want. I log in daily and try to say something positive to all my friends milestones....

    best of luck to you!!
  • DexterDarko
    That's amazing! I try to respond to every single thing in my feed that I feel I should, it feels good to motivate and be motivated.

    Congratulations on 365 days!
  • FitWendi
    FitWendi Posts: 40 Member
    I agree with on of the other post. All of your friends might not have logged in today or could have missed the post. But Congrats!! That is a great accomplishment!!
  • willtry08
    willtry08 Posts: 74 Member
    Happy 365th, you're doing great. Keep going :)
  • paxetamore
    paxetamore Posts: 399 Member
    Woohoo to 365 days and 70 pounds gone!!! Stay strong!
  • ggsmamma
    ggsmamma Posts: 117 Member
    Don't judge specifically on today's post. Sometimes people just miss things.

    That's awesome!!! It's so great that you've been MFP-ing for a whole year! WTG!! At the sametime, know that your friends could have just missed it or like me, on the go logging from their iPhone & not reading their friend feed...
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    get friends that are on everyday, i am on every day!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Dude a year is a huge accomplishment. Kudos!!!

    Now, to play the devils advocate. When I started out, I had few friends. However with me being active on my friends statuses and on forums, I'm at almost a 100 friends. I am at a point where I cannot go and comment to everybody even if I want to. I have no idea how people with 200+ friends do it but this is hard.

    I would suggest to keep quality friends who atleast make an effort to be supportive but can't always support due to the number of friends they have.

    Good luck on your goal weight brother! You're almost there! :)
  • amethysts269
    amethysts269 Posts: 28 Member
    See, I'm not reaching out for friends because I'm doing this for me, no-one else. I don't need others to make sure I'm accountable, I'm accountable to myself. So I have a couple of friends, one because she asked and I thought why not, and one because I know her from another forum we're both members of.

    But I don't go stalking them every day and comment on everything they do, I feel like that's being really nosy.

    I have also seen posts that I totally disagree with, like someone who's consistently eating way under their net calories and doing heaps of exercise, while eating really boring packaged foods day in, day out, and I feel as though they're never going to be able to keep that up, they'll be binging at some point. On these same posts, are people going "way to go!". And I totally don't agree. So I keep quiet.

    I wish you well, but remember you don't need anyone else, they're just a bonus. It's all about you and no-one else. It's your journey.

    I would have to agree with this post... my friends are mostly family and a few others I know from elsewhere... I am doing this for me and while it is great to hear positive things (we all need that from time to time) I don't expect it... I like the way that I am feeling, looking and changing, it is all for the positive!

    Good luck on your continued journey, keep doing what you are doing because clearly it is working for you and that is all the encouragement you should need.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I have never had this problem because I keep cutting down my list every few weeks and then adding new ones. The ones that I never have contact with, I delete and the ones that are chatty like me, I keep around. Instead of getting mad, I do a weeding out from time to time. It is good to have supportive friends. I like to have personal contact with all my friends because this is such a personal journey. Congrats on the year milestone, I am almost there too, I looooooove my MFP friends, flying to England this month to visit a few of them and I didn't know them before I came to MFP. Out with the old and in with the new :). New friends with the new year :)