OK..so I think I have plateaud..I have been struggling between 160-162 lbs for over a month now. Does anyone have any suggestions of what I should do or eat? PLEASE HELP!


  • eldrith1399
    Take whatever your current calorie per day goal is and subtract 500. that will cause you to start losing 1 lb per week again. But don't go under 1200.
  • idgurl
    idgurl Posts: 1
    I would suggest changing up your exercise. Try intervals instead of the same pace throughout your work out. :D Good luck! You're doing great!
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    Yeah, I wouldn't just subtract 500 from your daily goal. It looks like you are using "quick add calories" a lot. It's hard to tell from your diary but it looks like quite a bit of prepared foods and fast food. Can you try to eat a little "cleaner" for a few weeks? I'm not seeing much in the way of fruits and vegetables.....at least I don't think so. Also, try drinking more water. If you are accurately logging all of your food the scale has to move eventually. Stick with it.
  • Silly_Sara
    Silly_Sara Posts: 127 Member
    I would think about changing your exercise routine. If you are doing a moderate-intensity level, you might consider upping to a higher-intensity level of exercise. Also, you might consider not just what food you eat but when you eat it. I know my downfall is late night snacks, and, if you go to be soon after, your body may not properly digest them before you go to sleep. If none of this applies, you can never go wrong with more fruits and vegetables! Good luck!