is it just me?



  • Cjadie03
    Wow Tamia thats pretty amazing! Just be careful that your not eating too few calories alongside exercising or you might hit a platue of your body going into starvation mode.

    Kepp up the great effort :)
  • mcfc4tony
    mcfc4tony Posts: 107 Member
    I'm also like that most days, even pigging out at weekend, if you were to take out the beer I drink I would still around or under the 1600 that I should be on. If you want, please check out my profile/diary.
    I'm feeling better than I have done in YEARS and for the first time in a LONG while I just don't feel hungry.:bigsmile:
    Each to their own body, just listen to it and if one day it wants a little more give it a little more, just don't pig out on junk. :sad:
    We all got fat in different ways, why cannot we not lose weight in different ways?:noway:
    The diet I'm on is working for me, I have been told by others I'm off my head why?:ohwell:
    Just listen to your body, it may be that once you have had a big loss you body will call for more food as it has less fat to "eat". I don't know, so long as you never get to the stage where you are actively going out of your way not to eat I say you are ok, and you look great!:flowerforyou:
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    It's always confusing how someone who is overweight is struggling to eat enough to hit their new, far lower targets.

    Usually they are trying too hard, thinking far more about food than normal, consciously abstaining and possibly trying too hard on their new diet instead of just eating a little less.
    While their enthusiasm and vigour is to be commended, it unfortunately often turns out that they have made too many changes at once, and will find it difficult to maintain.

    Often looking through their diary, they have switched from eating hardly any veg, to eating large quantities of fibrous and cruciferous vegetables.

    Looking through yours, there are some areas of concern about accuracy. I would advise you, and TO ALL USERS of this site and app, to always have a quick look at their food label and compare it to that which you about to log. Most foods are entered by people that know little about nutrition; are only entering it for themselves and are aware of an inaccuracy, or simply people make mistakes.

    MFP is just a fancy calculator, you're the one programming it and telling it what to add up, make sure you get it all right.