Need HRM advice, what's it like? Experiences?

emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
So I'm going to be getting a HRM very soon, probably a Polar FT-4. What is it like wearing the chest strap? In my head I imagine that it would be uncomfortable in some way or restrict my breathing or slide down and need to be readjusted all the time. My watch gets loose sometimes when I run and I need to spin it around and that pisses me off incredibly because it breaks my focus. Anyone experience these kinds of things or is it not like that? Thanks for your advice!!!


  • Sarge516
    Sarge516 Posts: 256 Member
    Its not like that. If i get all sweaty and do some jumping, occasionally, it'll slide down a bit, but its no big deal. Its really pretty comfortable.
  • krisalexine
    krisalexine Posts: 78 Member
    I love my HRM! My boyfriend and I both have Timex Ironman Triathlon watches/HRMs. I've never experienced discomfort, but then again, I'm used to wearing bras. My boyfriend said it took getting used to at first but after a while you just get used to it. He compared it to buckling the chest buckle on a skiiers backpack, if that makes any sense (?) lol
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    So I'm going to be getting a HRM very soon, probably a Polar FT-4. What is it like wearing the chest strap? In my head I imagine that it would be uncomfortable in some way or restrict my breathing or slide down and need to be readjusted all the time. My watch gets loose sometimes when I run and I need to spin it around and that pisses me off incredibly because it breaks my focus. Anyone experience these kinds of things or is it not like that? Thanks for your advice!!!

    I love mine. I used to have a polar but it was old school and I hated sending it in to have the batteries replaced. I got a Timex when the polar finally died. I love it. Mainly I just use it to see how hard I'm working, for weight lifting, running, and biking, but I still never count the exercise calories. Even now in maintenance I just listen to my body and if I worked out hard and need 100-300 extra calories in the evening I'll eat a bit more. I still don't believe that any of the exercise estimates are anything close to the calorie burn they say. I guess it's the years and years of running marathon after marathon thinking I could lose the fat and I never could. I could never out exercise the calories.

    But I do love having a HRM. I'm a girl (well an almost 52 year old girl) so mine stays in place. LOL
  • macromouth
    I was scared to get one too. i got a Polar FT7, just shell out the extra dough if you can. I got it over a year ago and it still works fine. I dont wear it too tight because its not like it works better if its tight around your skin. I never really have a problem wearing it too lose. of course, i wouldnt even wear it too loose. i think the odea is to wear it snug but not tight. I personally think wearing too tight will somewhow damage the threading on the strap....besides, it doesnt need to be super tight. All my fears of it being uncomfortabe did not exist after the first week i got to know it and how tight or not tight to put it on. I do adjust it a little here and there durng my workout....I'll pull it up if it seems to be slipping but its NOTHING major to get worked up about. You cant spin your watch around? Once I figured out how it fit me and how EASY it is to put it on and take it off, its been nothing but awesome! Give yourself a few workouts or a week to get used to it. Before you know it, you wont even think about it, honestly.
    So I'm going to be getting a HRM very soon, probably a Polar FT-4. What is it like wearing the chest strap? In my head I imagine that it would be uncomfortable in some way or restrict my breathing or slide down and need to be readjusted all the time. My watch gets loose sometimes when I run and I need to spin it around and that pisses me off incredibly because it breaks my focus. Anyone experience these kinds of things or is it not like that? Thanks for your advice!!!
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Thanks a lot guys, your replies actually helped a lot. I feel more comfortable about buying a HRM now.