How do you know if you're doing the right thing?

I joined a few months ago, put in my stats, MFP told me how much to eat (1370), I always ate the exersize calories back (1800-1900 on cardio days). I lost a pound a week like I asked to. Then, I plateaued, I've been gaining and losing the same 2-3 pounds over the last 3 weeks. I was doing elliptical 5-6 times a week for 35-40 minutes. I decided to start NROL4W and upped my calories to 1800 every day, with a protein bar in addition 3 times a week on lifting days. I'm still doing about 30 minutes of HIIT elliptical 4-5 days a week. I had wanted to lose a few more pounds when I plateaued, but also don't want to be skinny fat, like I think I am, so that's why I started with the lifting. Does it sound like I'm doing the right thing with calories? It seems there's so many conflicting ideas on what to do. It makes my brain hurt. It was so easy in the beginning, ate what MFP said and I lost the weight they said I would. I don't mind the harder work, but just want to make sure it's the right thing to be doing. I'm 5'7, 32 year old female, 133 pounds. Thanks for any input.