Help me...after everyone is asleep...I wake up and..



  • bub_snig
    Try eating crushed ice.

    I do makes me think i'm fuller and i'm eating and because it is water it is 0 calories. Plus in the summer makes you feel so much more refreshed.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    sugar free jello?
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224
    If you are waking between say 1:30 am and 3:30 am I'm guessing your hormones might be a bit out of whack. Have you tried taking melatonin for a few days? You need to go to bed and sleep through the night. Make a point not to go to bed hungry - eat some lean protein and take a small dose of melatonin and try to get your sleep pattern right.
  • HMToomey
    HMToomey Posts: 276
    If it were me I would do enough cardio during the day that two things happen #1- you have worked hard enough that you can afford whatever bad eating you do #2- you are so exhausted you don't care about getting up to eat. There are days I work out so hard that somehow by the grace of God I'm able to drag myself through a shower and get dried off and put on jammies but even that requires me to muster up every last ounce of energy that I can. But somehow I haven't had to sleep naked in the tub yet. (Let's definitely keep that on the prayer list.) On those days I consider peeling off a lid from a container of yogurt equal to cooking Thanksgiving dinner. If you don't get that tired or you don't have enough time to devote to that kind of strenuous exercise could you take something to help you sleep through the night? A Benedryl knocks me out. Or Melatonin is a natural supplement that works well. If you tried that maybe you would sleep better so you aren't waking up to binge. I know adding extra exercise isn't always the answer for everyone but it's sorta my go-to solution for all my dieting troubles. We're all different so I hope you find what works for you. I wish you luck.

    Love this! Funny and true! :)
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    Raid the kitchen!!!! I am soooooo tired of doing this but it has been a bad habit since I was a little girl! I can do good all day long, log everything, complete my diary and come in under goal.....but around 2-3 am I'm up for cereal r something which will throw me over my calories. Any suggestions how I can break this habit.....or should I try to shave calories off on my daily target and save them for midnight....either way eating that late probably is not good for me!

    Thanks in advance!

    If you're literally waking out of a dead sleep to go eat things I would consider getting looked at by a professional. Not sure if a sleep specialist would be in order or a general physician but I'd get it checked out.

    As far as the physiology of lipogenesis/lipolysis, you can eat late at night without worry as long as your total intake over time is appropriate. Given an energy deficit, you'll still lose weight even if you eat those calories in the middle of the night.

    But I'd still get checked out. I think the behavior is abnormal.
    This. WHEN you eat isn't as important as WHAT you eat. But if you're waking up out of hunger, get checked out.
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,070 Member
    Maybe set aside your midnight snack before bed... Like half a cup of grapes...
  • franke1260
    I have the same problem and have only lost 4 lbs. in 60 days! I consulted my physician and he suggested eating a high protein bar just before bed. He said it should keep me full and help me stay asleep. I'm going to give it a try! I have tried journaling, too. But I just end up writing down all of the food I'm eating instead of how I'm feeling that leads me to overeat. I feel that if I have the support of someone telling me not to eat at night, I will stop. Maybe if you support me and I support you we can stop together! So, remember: No snacking at night! Think of these words when you"re about to indulge! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    2-3 am is a common time for people to wake up starving when they eat an unblanced diet high in carbs and sugar. It is a huge sugar low that comes at this time of night, 12 hours from the afternoon low at 2 pm. Try dropping grains, sugars & artificial sweeteners, fresh dairy, fruit and starches for a couple of weeks, and fill up on veggies (non-starchy), good fat (no processed crappy fat) and meats/fish/eggs. See if you stop experiencing night hungers in a week or two. If you do, well, you are good.
  • shquig
    shquig Posts: 68 Member
    I never woke to eat but I was eating very late before bed. My nutritionist said that my metabolic rate would be higher if I went a full 12 hours without eating between night and morning. I do find I lose weight more rapidly when I do this so I had to try to taper myself off of the late night eating. I found that if I used more calories later in the day (but before 8 p.m., let's say) that I wasn't as hungry beyond 8 p.m. Also, I think WHAT I ate made a huge difference. If I ate a high carb food with low/no protein I would be even more hungry so I monitored what I ate. It's that whole blood sugar thing... I have pushed back the habit now so I'm not eating super late at night. I also have a cup of tea before bed (which I'm told doesn't count as "food" as long as it's caffeine free) which puts something in my stomach. I had trouble stopping the eating late at night and finally just adjusted my habits and quit doing it and my body adjusted. It probably took a week or two before I wasn't so hungry in the evening. I hope this helps!