Running with a Jogging Stroller

abigailmariecs Posts: 192 Member
edited December 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Just a couple of quick questions.

Does the weight in the jogging stroller make it more difficult to run? I am on Week 1 of the C25K and push two children a combined weight around 60 lbs and have repeated week one 2x and will repeat again since I can't seem to run the full minute when pushing the stroller. I know that I have improved overall because today instead of taking the kids in the morning I took the dog tonight and had no problems running for the full time. Does anyone else see a significant decrease when pushing a jogging stroller?

Finally, those who use jogging strollers do you find you have shin splint problems when you don't? I have run without the stroller 2x and both times I end up with painful shins while running but as soon as I back off to the walk they disapear. I am just wondering if I have become accustom to pushing the stroller and that is what is causing the issues. (I actually have a greater distance when pushing the stroller then when running alone despite not being able to run the full minute with the stroller in the same amount of time).


  • Terryism
    Terryism Posts: 314 Member
    Bump, I have no input, but would like to read the responses. I sometimes do c25k with my so. In his stroller, just recently got a jogging stroller, but haven't used it yet.
  • KTLundberg
    KTLundberg Posts: 2 Member
    Yes, yes, yes! When I started running with my husband, he was in charge of the jogging stroller. Not only are the kids 60# but the stroller is about 20#. If you can have some one else push it until you can actually run! Good luck.
  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    Yes, it's much more difficult. I learned to run on my own and recently had to do a few weeks pushing a stroller and I couldn't believe how much harder it was.
  • MarlinWil
    MarlinWil Posts: 119 Member
    Running with a stroller mum here. My little girl (just turned 3) has an illness that means I can't leave her with anyone else (apart from Dad - who works away and is home 4/16 days). So swimming is out, but running and cycling are in. I combine the two - invested in a great jogging pram and also a fantastic bike trailer that I can use as a jogger as well.

    At first it was definitely a walk/run thing, but now I am running the 3km (approx) to my eldest daughter's school with her (she rides her bike) in the mornings in 18 minutes each way. The first time I did it it took me 53 minutes total. I'll share an ego-popping moment with my 8 year old with you. I was running along with her on the way to school (youngest in pram, as usual). Me: (feeling fit and super proud of my improvement) panting slightly. Daughter: So, mum, for the fun run this weekend, are you going to run it or just jog it like you are now? Me: Words failed, continued running, felt my balloon deflate a little, but silently gave a bit of a wry smile.

    I struggled at first to get my rhythm, but now find that it is easier to focus with the pram than without it. I have read articles where professional running mums tell you to lock your front jogging wheel, but that frustrates me beyond words. Like to leave it on swivel, because then I can turn and manoeuvre better. What do they know, anyway?

    Having said that, I did two 1km runs a month apart (as part of a fitness test). The first time I ran the kilometre in 6mins 15secs, and the second (two weeks ago) I ran it in 5mins 12secs. Stoked, and completely shocked. Didn't think I had done it in even close to that. Running regularly with the stroller has really improved my cardio fitness, and I can float along comfortably for an hour now. Kind of stunned that this is really a part of my life. Never ever thought I would be a runner, but the benefits have been incredible - my kids love being out and about, and it is real "me" time in the midst of a lot of ups and downs medically.

    Shin splints haven't happened. I got my shoes professionally fitted, and they are fantastic. Definitely pays to invest in a decent pair of shoes - mine have done more than 600km since July. I struggled to run at first, but definitely find that is a part of my day that I miss if I can't do it.

    Good luck!!! And congratulations on what lies before you - it is an addictive form of exercise. If you don't already, consider cycling, too. Great form of exercise, and the kids love that, too. Go a little further, and see a little more.


    PS - 1km is .62miles. 3km is 1.86 miles. 6km is 3.728 miles. Just so you have a point of comparison if you are not in Australia. Wow, miles make it sound like I don't run far at all!! LOL

    Oh, and while there is a lot more involved in running with a pram, the benefits are great, too. I love what it has done for my arms and core strength, I truly enjoy the feeling of seeing other mums running with their prams (we're like a silent sisterhood in my neighbourhood - nod and smile widely on the way past each other), and occasionally I get the thrill of passing someone else who is running without a pram. (There goes that ego again!!). And, to be honest, I don't feel the weight of the pram at all - the wheels move really freely, and the weight is all absorbed there. Of course there is a little resistance, but not as much as if you were pushing the kids without the pram!!
  • Yes running with a jogging stroller is much more difficult. Especially if it is broke and pulls to one side like mine. The it is doubly hard 'cause not only are you shoving extra weight but fight the stroller the whole time. LOL But a momma has gotta do what a momma has gotta do right?! 80) The plus of a jog stroller though is you get to do cardio and strength at the same time! :)
  • abigailmariecs
    abigailmariecs Posts: 192 Member
    Thanks for the input. I was starting to think it was all in my head since the stroller seems to roll along so easily.

    I was fit for shoes the first part of September and will NEVER buy another pair of running shoes without getting fit. I love my shoes!

    Right now the C25K program gets me about 1.8 ish miles or approx 3k. I then switch and walk the remainder of a 5k about 3.1-3.2 miles total my time comes in around 46 minutes. When I walk the same route I am at about 52 minutes.

    I have a jogging stroller/bike trailer combo from TREK. I bought it used and as the kids are getting bigger I have been on the look out for a better one. It has a bench seat and my daughter tends to keep her elbow in my son's side. I am not sure if it is a space issue or if it is more about her. She turned 2 in July and gets very possessive over space and things. He just turned 1 in August and can now hold his own a little better.

    I started out riding bike every day. One day of how far can I go in 30 minutes then turn around with the goal of making it further each time. Then the next day I would go as far as I did on day one but take it nice and easy time taking me anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour for the same distance not including the park stop, then repeat.

    I hope that as the weather cools (I live in Arizona, and we hit a high yesterday of 102) I will be able to bike a few miles then go for a run and bike back. First I need to get my endurance up when running.

    Thanks again for all the help and as for the shin splints when running without a jogging stroller I am going to assume for now that I am trying to go to fast or landing too hard when I don't have the stroller to hold on to.
  • MarlinWil
    MarlinWil Posts: 119 Member
    Go back to where you bought your shoes. Take your jogging stroller with you. Demonstrate to them how you run with the stroller, and how you run without it. They are professionals, and they will be able to check exactly what you are doing, and point you in the right direction. This is important, and I am assuming that when you were fitted there was no jogger there with you. I run very differently with it to without it - using my arms when I run is weird for me, now. I am thinking that next time I need new shoes I will be taking my jogger to the store, too.

    Good luck - it sounds like you are doing so well. And TWO kids a year apart. Wow, you have a lot on your plate, good on you for getting out and about with your little ones. So positive, and such a great example for them.

  • abigailmariecs
    abigailmariecs Posts: 192 Member
    Go back to where you bought your shoes. Take your jogging stroller with you. Demonstrate to them how you run with the stroller, and how you run without it. They are professionals, and they will be able to check exactly what you are doing, and point you in the right direction. This is important, and I am assuming that when you were fitted there was no jogger there with you. I run very differently with it to without it - using my arms when I run is weird for me, now. I am thinking that next time I need new shoes I will be taking my jogger to the store, too.

    Good luck - it sounds like you are doing so well. And TWO kids a year apart. Wow, you have a lot on your plate, good on you for getting out and about with your little ones. So positive, and such a great example for them.


    Thanks, they did fit me without the jogger which is why I find it strange that I am having issues when I don't have it. The running store I purchased them at offers runs 2x a week and has someone there to ask questions and get tip/advice from. They also run with the group and evaluate your running. I have been trying to get there without the stroller since that is when I have issues. Now to just find someone to watch the kids for me. My SO owns his own business and works long/weird hours and of course this is a busy time of the year. I keep playing the run over in my head and try to imagine my stride and the more I think about it the more I think I am lengthing my stride without the stroller. Who knows for sure. I will see if maybe grandpa wants to watch the kids next week so I can go.
  • MarlinWil
    MarlinWil Posts: 119 Member
    Not so strange that you are having trouble when running without the jogger, especially when most of the time it is WITH the jogger! You have really made me think about my methods, and understand some things better now that I am thinking about them. I used to run much more on the back of my foot, but now my tread on my shoes is worn at the front. Didn't really understand how much my running has changed now that I am a jogger mum. I am due some new shoes, and am glad that I didn't get them a couple of weeks ago, now. It makes more sense to have them gauge my movement with the jogger than without it.

    Also, I bought our most recent Australia/NZ running magazine today. In it, there was an article about the benefits of using compression garments for running. What made me sit up and take notice was the fact that a professional runner was saying that the compression socks have really reduced his calf/shin pain. They are not cheap, but a lot of what I have read this arvo (I did some research) seems to support that they really do give benefit in the areas where people are experiencing pain.

    This article seemed the most thorough, and educational. Plus the fella that wrote it got to test a pair, and he was very interesting and tried to be as impartial as possible. Here is the link:

    Anyway, hope that this helps. I love coincidences - you ask your question, I had put off buying my new shoes, and here is an article that hopefully will give you a tool that will assist your shins!

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