
  • melclare10
    melclare10 Posts: 49 Member
    i remember when you posted the older pics of you skinny. WOW! A couple months can turn a girl into a fox :)
  • mylifeisbeautiful
    mylifeisbeautiful Posts: 292 Member
    You look amazing! You have such a beautiful shape, if I passed you on the street I would think, there goes a girl who has been fit all her life. Congratulations :)
  • marthadztx
    marthadztx Posts: 337 Member
    Amazing transformation!!! :flowerforyou:
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    Oh my goodness!! You are AMAZING!! Incredibly motivating, thank you so much for sharing! You must feel SO great!
  • WOW! Seriously in awe of you!! You should be very very proud of yourself! That movie theater story made me laugh out loud, divine intervention is right! haha Loving that you give the glory to God- you go girl!

    "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,"
    Ephesians 3:20
  • ccckwalk
    ccckwalk Posts: 262
    amazing! Great job girl~ Corina
    Thanks for sharing and motivating!!! Hugs
  • snoopynut1972
    snoopynut1972 Posts: 49 Member
    Amazing!! So glad I came across this tonight as I've been stressed out at work and letting it impact my eating habits. Your story is just what I needed to put me back on track. Such an inspiration!! Thank you for sharing. So sorry for the loss of your sister.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Wow, amazing job... you look incredible!
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I remember you posting that other pic a few months ago. You've done so much! Congrats!
  • LesaDave
    LesaDave Posts: 1,480 Member
    Oh KIMI!! You have done a GREAT job with the "house" that God has given you!! And SHO' YO' RIGHT in sometimes prayer is the ONLY thing that helps you to make it pass a hurdle!

    Proud of you...and being soooooo close to your goal. Congrats in advance for the next 6 pounds!!
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    Flab u less! :-)
  • lawi75
    lawi75 Posts: 14
    WOW, thankyou for sharing I have just started...and was needing to be inspired by success stories and yours was the one that sang out to me. :-) I am currently 90Kg / 198lbs and God willing because I will need his help, I will reach my goal weight of anywhere between 57-63kgs / 125.4 - 138.6 Ibs.....bring it! Woohoo!!
  • tephey
    tephey Posts: 44 Member
    Just the change between Aug and now is amazing in itself.
  • nbeth901
    nbeth901 Posts: 35 Member
    Wow.. you could be a MODEL! So beautiful and inspiring!
  • Wow, you are amazing. So sorry to hear about your sister, but good to see if made you take off full throttle. What a journey you have been on and how quick you did this in only 7 mths. It really gives me insipiration. I only have between 7-10kgs (15-22lbs) to lose but feel like it is a struggle still. How long did it take you to lose the last 22lbs? I would be really interested to know and will give me some idea of a time line.

    You already look amazing, what a transformation. Good luck with the last 6lbs.
    I would love to add you as a friend, I hope you can accept my request:)
  • CowgirlKimi
    CowgirlKimi Posts: 107 Member
    Congratulations to you! You look incredible! I am so sorry for the loss of your sister and admire your strength and perserverence to keep going in the wake of her passing. You are STRONG! I am 5'6" also, but started about 50 lbs heavier than you. When I look at your pics, everything looks so tight and toned. Do you have any problems with loose skin anywhere?

    A few Friends on here have asked about how I have kept firm throughout this whole thing... and I can only share what has worked in my personal experience... you notice the name "Cowgirl Kimi", thats because I run a small horse farm. So I am up and moving at LEAST 5 days a week, like clock work. I work for 3 hours straight, which includes lifting hay bales, pulling hoses, walking horses here and there, mucking stalls, shoveling occasionally, using a wheelbarrow, etc. I wear a HRM and it is a WONDERFUL thing to own! YAY! ( When I was really overweight, I would burn over 1000 cals, easy!) but now that I am in a healthy BMI, things have sloooowwweeddd down a bit. So when I am filling water buckets, I don't stand still... I am always jogging in place or doing invisible chairs. I find core strengthening exercises and I sneak em in EVERY CHANCE I GET!
    When I have to carry a broom somewhere, I carry it in front of me, with my arms extended out and holding it horizontally, while curling and walking in a lunge.... lol Yeah... I'm THAT guy. lol Once in a while someone will say something to me about it teasingly, and I will just say "Everyone here who has lost 45 inches in less than a year raise their hand"... surprisingly, I am the only one with my hand raised.. and the crowd goes silent. lol

    All this being said to get to this point... the WORLD is YOUR GYM. God gave us this place to make us stronger, thriving, living humans in His image. FIND YOUR WORKOUT. <3 Who cares if you look silly for a moment? You know what? The same folks who judge you are the same ones who will beep their horns at you for taking too much time at the drive thru window at McD's. lol So what!

    A few items I REALLY value to keep toned are: 1. My HRM
    2. My neoprene waist band cinchy thingy I got for 3 bucks at the walmart
    3. running shoes (I started power walking on weekend mornings... that led to shuffling my feet... that broke into faster shuffling... which eventually led to God teaching me how to RUN!) I started walking not even .1 (thats POINT ONE, NOT ONE.. POINT ONE) mile a day (yeah, i was THAT out of shape) now I run 5 miles on saturday morning and most Sundays I run at least 3.75 miles to 5 miles. I'm hooked.

    You guys can DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not some super-human. I am weak, broken, have been betrayed by friends in the past, have been told I am not good enough, have been fired from jobs, have been left behind, have been cheated on, have done the cheating myself... (ack!)... thank you, Jesus, for forgiveness! But all this is not based on who I am.. its all based on what I have chosen to do with the pieces. What will you do with your pieces? Will you hide them? Will you put them away for another day.. pretend they arent there? Or will you do this... will you put them all out there and say... wow... this IS a mess... I need help here... lets untangle this... and begin to let the picture that is YOU come into focus... because friends, it IS a BEAUTIFUL and MAGNIFICENT picture!
  • Wow, incredible,
  • TheMommyWifeLife
    TheMommyWifeLife Posts: 194 Member
    great job!
  • idnkt
    idnkt Posts: 9 Member
    Awesome, thanks for sharing. I hope to be in the same boat someday soon!
  • Raw_Bean
    Raw_Bean Posts: 293 Member
    Congratulations on your hard work, focus and determination! I am sorry to hear that you've experienced such a loss of a loved one. It sounds like she lives on within you. I too know what it is like to lose loved ones from diabetes. I find motivation from the sadness and loss, in a respectful way. Thank you for sharing your story and being a wonderful inspiration!!
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