Haha. So members of my church are taking on this 40 day fast. I've been fasting for the last few months here and there. Started out one day a week then it was three. And then it would be a week at a time here and there. So I feel like I've worked myself up to this sort of fast but since it's for forty days, I'm not doing the typical fast.

Usually, I would have nothing but water until 7PM. That's not gonna cut it. Especially since the last time that I had to do something like that while working out as much as I'm going to be doing ( it was not by choice, I just was broke as a joke LOL! ) I dropped weight rapidly. And that's not the point. This time, I decided to do a liquid fast. So I'll be able to drink protein shakes and the like... but I'm not sure what kind of recipes would be best for this.

I looked up Jack LaLanne's juicer recipes and found a 30 day recipe sheet online by someone but... my appetite hasn't been that huge and for the last couple of days, I really haven't been intaking. And that's not good. I know if I start earlier, it could help but... urgh.

I guess my biggest questions are, what are good recipes from those who like their protein shakes and the likes or smoothies and the best tips you have for someone who's starting out on a sort of... I guess... slimfast/shakeology regimen? Is it safe to work out as hard as I would be if I were eating solid food? I know that I won't pass out or anything because I've done this before ( walking fourteen miles a day and everything ) but... I just don't want to go about this the wrong way.
