Smokers – selfish scum or persecuted minority?



  • Tiffikat
    I don't honestly think the vast majority are selfish or persecuted. Yes, some smokers are selfish and do not care a bit about the health of others around them. Some smokers litter their butts. Not all smokers are like this. Additionally, there are people that are rude and combative to people that smoke. However, this is not a majority of people at all.

    Laws that have been created to protect other people from cigarette smoke are not persecuting smokers and it would be silly to say they are. I am a former smoker and I have friends that still smoke. They don't feel persecuted. They are respectful and have no issues smoking in designated areas away from non-smokers. Many of my friends that smoke voted FOR the smoking ban in Ohio where we live.

    So to answer the question honestly... neither and in my opinion anyone that says smokers are either of these extremes is possibly whining a bit.
  • Uuuhlexis
    Uuuhlexis Posts: 90 Member
    People smoke because it's awesome. People also don't smoke because it's unhealthy. Both groups are right.
    I don't eat meat because I believe it's horrible for your health and factory farms are detrimental to the environment. Even smelling cooked meat makes me want to vomit. Am I going to tell you you can't eat that steak/burger/whatever near me? NO. Am I going to decide that no one can eat meat in public? No. Am I going to cry child abuse if you feed your child hot dogs? Noooo.
    I'm also not going to go into a steakhouse and complain that they don't have enough salads on the menu. Come on people, you're smart enough to know not to go somewhere that bothers or doesn't cater to you.

    Anyway, I smoke. And in WA you can't smoke inside anywhere, or within 20ft of an entrance. I abide by the laws, and I try to avoid smoking around people. It actually took me about 20 minutes to find somewhere to smoke between classes the other day because a bunch of non smokers decided to sit right next to the ash trays.
    I don't smoke around kids, or inside ever (because that's nasty), and I've even been told by my doctor that the amount I smoke isn't really that bad.
    Banning smoking in parks is absolutely ridiculous. I have a dog, and if I want to take her to the park for a few hours, I'm going to have a cigarette. Why? Because smoking outside, on a sunny day, in the grass is freaking fantastic. I'm not going to go smoke near the playground, so why should I have to feel bad about smoking in a large, outdoor area?

    I think this whole anti smoking thing has been really really bad for smokers. Cigarettes are full of chemicals, and we can't get rid of them because it's unhealthy anyway-so why should we try to make them healthier-right? I'd love it if I could buy some turkish silvers with less chemicals-but I can't. Tobacco isn't nearly as bad for you as everything else they put in cigarettes.

    Also-I can only think of one person I know who doesn't smoke (I live in a college town-everyone smokes), and they are obnoxious about it. Always complaining (when it's not even relevant) about smoking, and giving the smokers who go outside to smoke crap about it. Yet I say nothing when she shovels her face with vodka and taco bell everyday. Smoke or don't, but it's your own GD business. More laws=more problems.

    Anyway, now I'm going to go have a cigarette on my deck, because it's my choice..and because it's awesome.
  • Tiffikat
    I know lots of people that have switched to those e-cigarettes that use flavoring, nicotine, and water vapor. Less chemicals, less harmful smoke, and much less chance of affecting anyone else. Plus, here in Ohio you can smoke those anywhere since they only release water vapor. WIN all around. If you feel that you are entitled to smoke anywhere you want, this might be something you want to look into.

    Smoking really isn't that awesome. I think you say that just to convince yourself. If it were so awesome there wouldn't be tons of people trying to quit all of the time. As a former smoker I remember wanting to quit because even though I only smoked a little bit it was affecting my ability to smell and taste, I hated the way the smoke clung to my clothes and contacts, I would cough more in the winter than I do now, and the craving to have a cigarette when you can't for whatever reason sucks.
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    I think this whole anti smoking thing has been really really bad for smokers.
    I think that's the point...