21yr old UK Newbie, its not about what the scales say!

Morning all,

So Im from the UK, Hampshire to be specific and although I'd love to get down to say 9 1/2 stone for me thats quite a mahoosive amount to loose!! So for me its about getting back into a size 10-12, Im currently between 18-20 (Wow thats the first time I've openly admitted that!)

Also I am now a trainee gym instructor...such a change of events for me, so as well as wanting to get fit and loose weight, I have to for my now career opportunity!! To be completely honest thats what my trigger point was for finally wanting to take my health and fitness seriously!

Anyone out there looking to buddy up or jsut general motivation and adivse swaps would be great!!

C xXx


  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member

    My target it to get from tight fitting XL shirts to loose fitting L or medium if I go to extremes, I had 4 1/2 stone to lose at the start so not exactly an easy task either. I thought to myself 'Ed your 24 and hideous in front of a mirror, sort yourself out son', low and behold that's all it took and I'm off and away.

    If you want to add me feel free, not sure I give motivation more like odd comments which tend to make people chuckle and maybe if I'm having a good day the odd motivation word :).

    Keep on trucking and awesome career choice, I can imagine it'll contain a lot of job satisfaction.
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Hello and welcome :)

    Sounds like our starting points are similar! I started at 16 stone and had a goal of 10 stone (so...close!), and it took me a long time to admit that to myself - so well done for putting it in black and white; I know how hard that is.

    I also trained in the exercise field (I'm now a Zumba instructor) so know how motivating that can be :)

    Please feel free to add me if you wish to have the perspective of someone who knows how hard it is, but knows that it can be done xx
  • Shotgun_Sinner
    I would also like to say welcome.

    It's always good to have a trigger point. For me it was that I was going into a career as a teacher, and all about the confidence. Plus some of these kids can be vile and say some horrible things.

    Happy to help support you however you need it :)

    Oh, I'm from Eastbourne btw