Is obesity a CHOICE?



  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    tagging to read later on my phone.

    This is like the 4th thread ive seen over a year old come back up. Protip, BUMP means "bring up my post" in other words it brings the thread back up to the "most recent" threads.

    If you want to *Tag it to read later* use the handy function on your phone to BOOKMARK the thread.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I won't speak for anyone else, but for myself, from the point of adulthood on, yes, I believe my obesity was a choice. Not always a conscious choice, but a choice all the same.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    tagging to read later on my phone.

    You have been tagging a bunch of old threads. That is going to be a lot of reading on your phone.
    Are you following me around the forums?
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • reneemosley
    reneemosley Posts: 95 Member
    Well said.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    the necromancer strikes again.
  • I would never say based on looking at someone that they chose to be obese. This anchor for a local TV station received a private email from a viewer who confronted her that she was a bad role model because of her weight. You can hear her on air response here. This is a difficult and challenging topic as our society tries to solve the obesity epidemic. What do you think?

    I don't think that matters whether someone thinks it is or it isn't. That lady is an inspiration herself as well to turn a potentially negative situation into a learning experience for everyone. Bullying comes in oh so very many forms. She is also an inspiration for being accountable. She didn't deny the charge of being obese, but then brought light to what was important . Rock on!
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Wait, was that yes, you're following me around the forums, or yes to the thread title?
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