Lost my motivation

Hi All,

So I started using the gym and MFP properly July since then I have lost 17lb and have another 11lb to go to reach my goal weight of 112lb. I have lost 67lb in total but I'm now having trouble continuing. I was doing 30 day shred and completed to day 15 then had a couple of things on that I just didn't have time to fit it in, I then had a girls weekend so the calorie counting went out the window.

I have a 6 month old baby who wakes between 3 and 4 am every morning for a feed and I feel run down, how do I get back on track I'm trying to stick to my calories as best I can still but do not seem to have the energy or motivation to get my butt to the gym, I was going to restart shred the 1st of the month and I haven't I think my motivation is on holiday :sad: I really want to get back into it but really don't feel like I can be bothered.

Any advice? or pics from 5'2 ladies who have reached 112lb I need motivation and quick before I go too far off track


  • Gemmax0902
    Gemmax0902 Posts: 75 Member
    Hey, I've not got any pics, but took my measurements on day 1 and day 15 of the shred and have lost 2inch from my thighs, 2inch from my bum 2inch from my bust and a whopping 4inch from my waist and thats only half way measurements.

    I also had a huge lack of motivation but after seeing the measurement results I can't wait to get to the end and see the final result.

    I think you were so committed to the first 15 days of your shred that you just need to get back in there and pick up where you left off you can do it!!!!!

    Love Gemma xxx