Do you want to learn additional languages?



  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I'm functional in French, but I don't consider myself fluent - I can hold a conversation, and get by. My husband is francophone, so there's a lot of French in the house, and my kids have been learning both languages from birth, so they are fluently bilingual, like hubby. A true asset in Canada.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    I definitely want to become fluent in Spanish---I'm OK at speaking it, and I understand and can read quite a bit of it, but I'd like to be fluent. Simply because where I live, it's a really great job skill to have. Almost all the jobs here require you to be English/Spanish bilingual, or they "strongly prefer" it. I'm happy with the company I work for, but I have a feeling I'd be an even more valuable asset if I could speak Spanish. Sign language too, probably a really valuable skill to have just for practical reasons.

    I'd also like to learn French just because it would be cool to know French (also a good language to know should I ever visit Europe), and I took a couple semesters of Italian in college just for fun, and it would be cool to be able to speak it at least moderately well. For no reason other than it would be fun.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    I would love to learn

    If you have young kids, encourage them to learn more than 2 languages(speak and read), it is proven in studies kids with multi lingual skills are quick learners

    Completely agree. My 5 year old has been learning some basic Spanish, and I plan to continue that with him as I brush up on mine too.
  • christyd4
    christyd4 Posts: 191
    I am learning German right now ( and probably will brush up on my French as my BF wants to go from Germany to France at some point
  • zeebruhgirl
    zeebruhgirl Posts: 493 Member
    I wanna learn Russian, Greek, Finnish etc.
    If I could learn everything I would haha.
  • My primary language is English, I know Spanish, and ASL or American sign language, I took French in High Scholl I only remember some words, and I understadn some purtuguese cause the town I used to work the populatons were mostly from portugal.
  • chayrie27
    chayrie27 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm from Germany and additional to German I speak
    ... also learned Latin and understand Italian and Portuguese. I just signed up for a Chinese class starting in 2 weeks! I love to learn other languages, they fascinate me a lot.

    I'm looking for Spanish and French natives to improve my language skills, so feel free to add me if you are :)
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    I want to become fluent in Spanish again, also in German (I would love to speak to my Mother in law in her native tounge) French would be next, and maybe a native amreican lang.uage
  • Japanese - I studied it before but I totally forgot everything
    Hindi - as funny as this may seem but I encounter some Indians here who speak to me in Hindi (I also have the same thing with some Pakistanis & Persians).
    Nagamese - I have a friend who is from Nagaland (Northeast India) & although they speak English there but sometimes I hear him speak in this dialect

    Above all, I need to improve my English
  • SopranogirlCa
    SopranogirlCa Posts: 188 Member
    I am fluently bilingual (French and English) and would love to learn spanish.
  • missymoga
    missymoga Posts: 217 Member
    I absolutely must learn French (it sounds so sexy and romantic, plus I have a good friend who lives in France and would love to be able to communicate with her in her language) Also ASL, American Sign Language. I am learning that currently.
  • MisterGoodBar
    MisterGoodBar Posts: 157 Member
    i'd love to learn Spanish and Cantonese but im not that kind of smart! lol
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    would love to learn Gaelic. also Russian...
  • Cat52169
    Cat52169 Posts: 277 Member
    I would love to learn and USE Spanish and Arabic. I took 2 years of Spanish so I can understand quite a bit but I have to answer in English=) I only know a tiny bit of Arabic. I would love to speak fluently!
  • ParaSempreAmor11
    ParaSempreAmor11 Posts: 105 Member
    i speak fluent portuguese and write in portuguese, also i understand spanish and write in spanish AND i took french for a couple years. But dont remember much french no offence to anybody whos french but it wasso dreadful taking french classes. :laugh:
  • d_Mode
    d_Mode Posts: 880 Member
    Spanish, Italian, French and Portuguese are the languages I would love to learn.
  • I am learning ASL. I'm almost done with my third class (out of four). I'm also currently teaching my 8 month old to sign as well. I speak broken French and I'd love to brush up on that. I also really want to learn Spanish! I'll probably take some classes once I finish grad school.
  • MizKittyB
    MizKittyB Posts: 47 Member
    I would love to re-gain my modest command of Japanese, and then become fluent. ("Use it or lose it," is what happened.) German as well - I took 4 years in high school and 1 semester in college and did pretty well, but again, never used it after that.

    I would also love to learn: Spanish, French, Chinese (either Mandarin or Cantonese), Korean, Russian, Italian, Arabic, Latin, Greek...

    Basically, just about any language I can get my hands on. If I ever win the lottery, I'm quitting my job to just take college-level language classes. And then travel to the countries that use those languages - see the sights, try the food... It would be AWESOME.
  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    I took and ASL course years ago and was certified level 1 interpreter. As they say "Use it or lose it" and I have lost most of it. I would love to do another course.
    I want to learn German, as I am a German citizen but grew up in the US so lost all of that too. Although I do think it is in there in my brain I just have to trigger it.
  • BFarnsworth
    BFarnsworth Posts: 210 Member