"Before" and "Almost There"

MyNewZen Posts: 101 Member
I never thought I would post one of these but I was looking at some pictures that were taken of me on the weekend and I could not help but compare them to photos from a year ago. I am honestly rather proud of myself and wanted to share my results so far. I say this is a "Before and Almost" there because I still have a long way to!

Face shot - The first photo was taken on the 28th of October 2011 exactly 1.5 months before I started my weight loss journey. The second one was taken on the weekend just gone, the 29th of September 2012, 9.5 months into what I have been calling "operation Superman".

Gym shots - The first photo may have been from 2010, I'm not exactly sure. The difference I saw to march motivated me to keep going to where I am now in the September 2012 shot... I can't wait for September 2013! :wink:

Pre 2012: 140Kg, size 5XL shirt.
March 2012: 115Kg, size 2XL shirt.
September 2012: 100Kg, size large shirt.
September 2013: 85~90Kg, size large cape!


Before: I Could hardly pick up my keys if I dropped them because of a chronic bad back.
Now: Every Wednesday night lift 120kg off the floor 60 times (6 sets of 10 reps dead lifts... not to mention; squats and leg press, I love my back and legs day!)

Before: I would get puffed out walking to the shops for lunch. (But 9 out of 10 times would drive any way)
Now: I can hike 50km only needing to stop to eat and change socks.

Thanks for reading! And thanks to everyone on MFP who has supported me this year. :smile:

There is more of my story in my profile if any one is interested. :smile:


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