Average 24 hour calorie expenditure

Hi guys!!
Ive decided to see how many calories i burn on average in 24 hours but so far im up to 18 hours and already it says iv burnt 3700, n iv only done 1 workout which generally burns 650-700 cals. Surely this cant be right can it? Has anyone else experienced this? Btw i use a polar ft4.. :)


  • I use the polar ft4 with chest strap and have no issues
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Heart rate monitors aren't designed to measure caloric burn accurately when your heart rate isn't elevated. So if that's what you are using for this experiment, you aren't going to get correct information.

    For that kind of information you'll need something like a BodyMedia Fit, a FitBit, or another similar device that is designed to measure your TDEE based on a number of different factors.

    I wear a BMF and have for a little over a year and a half. My highest burn day was just under 4000 calories and that was a day that I ran a half marathon at 7am and then walked around San Francisco a good part of the day after that. The next highest burn was only a few calories off and it was from a day I was in San Diego where I was on my feet and walking for, literally, 16 hours in that day.

    I don't know your stats, but both of those burns for me happened when I was around 155lbs, I'm 5'5" and 33 years old.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Heart rate monitors aren't designed to measure caloric burn accurately when your heart rate isn't elevated. So if that's what you are using for this experiment, you aren't going to get correct information.

    ^^^ This.

    You are not burning 4000+ calories a day! I wish it were true, but it isn't. :wink:
  • 1. You are not burning that many calories per day in exercise.
    2. Calories burned during exercise have a negligible effect on weight lost. Exercise is more useful in determining type of weight lost.

    Unless you are an Olympic athlete do not count on exercise as your primary means of weight loss. A proper diet and nutrition is much more important. I could run for 30 minutes and "burn" 300+ calories. I could undo that in 5 minutes of eating a salad at McDonalds.
  • awdamm
    awdamm Posts: 375 Member
    Heart rate monitors aren't designed to measure caloric burn accurately when your heart rate isn't elevated. So if that's what you are using for this experiment, you aren't going to get correct information.

    For that kind of information you'll need something like a BodyMedia Fit, a FitBit, or another similar device that is designed to measure your TDEE based on a number of different factors.

    I wear a BMF and have for a little over a year and a half. My highest burn day was just under 4000 calories and that was a day that I ran a half marathon at 7am and then walked around San Francisco a good part of the day after that. The next highest burn was only a few calories off and it was from a day I was in San Diego where I was on my feet and walking for, literally, 16 hours in that day.

    I don't know your stats, but both of those burns for me happened when I was around 155lbs, I'm 5'5" and 33 years old.

    so in this instance if i worn both my HRM and fitbit for 24 hr straight and compared the two i could get a more accurate account of daily "TOTAL calorie burn?