Losing those last few "belly" pounds...

So, after the journey from 273 pounds all the way to 193, I have set my initial goal weight at 185 pounds. I'd like to be 175-180 but 185 is right on the high size of a "healthy" BMI for my height (6'0"). So I figured that would be a nice goal to set for now.

When I do the "mirror test" I can obviously see that those last 8 pounds reside in my midsection. I have fairly decent definition in my arms, legs, shoulders, and back, but from years of having a "beer/fast food belly" it's been the toughest place for me to lose weight and tone up.

Just searching for any tips. Diet changes, workouts, just any tips or tricks that I can use to firm up my midsection.

I have access to a decent gym, and have a nice workout area in my basement, so I'm open to pretty much any and all suggestions.

Thanks all.


  • stephanie1133
    I've yet to come across anything reputable that indicates spot reducing is possible. Unfortuntaly your body takes the fat from where it likes; as far as I know anyway. Chances are, as you lose more fat and get leaner, you stomach will go down. I realize that doesn't really help you any, but I can commiserate! My stomach is my main problem area.

    And great job! You have lost an amazing amount of weight!!! Very inspiring.
  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    What are your macros, caloric intake, how much you are losing per week, and if you are maintain, how long you have maintained? What is your training regimen? How much you sleep? How do you select your foods?

    Have you tried:

    grain/sugar/starches/processed foods elimination
    intermittent fasting or ESE, Warrior Diet etc
    staggering calories
  • lljksilk
    Spot reduction is not possible. However, I would incorporate a caloric deficit with plenty of protein and add some core exercises to weight training. Eventually the weight will come off - but you will not have a 6 pack until you get down to around 7% - 10% body fat %.
  • bigblu89
    bigblu89 Posts: 41 Member
    To be honest, I have done much of anything as far as specialty diets. For the most part, I just eat a high protein, low-carb diet, and stay in the 1500-1800 calorie range. A lot of chicken, fist, lean beef and eggs. Lots of raw veggies and fruits.

    I do a "bootcamp" style workout program with a personal trainer two days a week (in a group setting), run/jog 2 miles a 2 days a week, and circuit train at the gym 2 days. Sunday is football day, so it's usually my excercise free day.

    At first I was losing 2-3 pounds per week. Now I'm at about a half to a pound a week.

    I sleep at least 7-8 hours a night. Usually 11:30pm-7:30am each night.

    I think that answered most of LeidaPrimal's questions.
  • bigblu89
    bigblu89 Posts: 41 Member
    Not looking for a 6 pack, just wanna be able to pass my version of the "mirror test".

    Not looking to be shredded, just looking to tone up what I feel is the last real soft spot on my body.

    Thanks for the responses so far.
  • lljksilk
    Don't feel bad that you are only losing a half pound per week. Obese people can lose 1-2 lbs per week, overweight people between a half pound to a pound, and the healthier you get, the less weight will come off. That doesn't mean that fat won't burn - but you will notice that your weight loss will slow dramatically.

    Also, diet is going to be the biggest thing for you - and if you want to keep trimming up, you will need to adjust your diet periodically.

    For instance, I have a desk job. I calculate my BMR by tweaking the usual formula (my weight in lbs * 8) which gives me a starting point. I then eat at or below that and combine with weight training and periodic cardio. Every 10 lbs I lose, I tweak the formula.
  • maxonehiphop
    maxonehiphop Posts: 139 Member
    Just keep plugging away. It will keep shrinking. I keep lowering my weight goal because it's not gone yet. I'm in a similar place to you though. The top of my "6 pack" is showing but I still have my lower abdomen (all the way around of course) that is jiggly. I don't know if the skin will ever go back to normal but I will get the excess fat out of there. It's funny it bothers me more now than it did when I was over 300 lbs.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Congrats on how far you've come to this point, great job! Just keep doing what you're doing and it will come off eventually (I'm in the exact same boat). No exercise, supplement or food will "spot reduce" bellyfat - unfortunately for most of us guys, it's just the last place that it stubbornly clings to. You may end up having to go lower than your goal weight to get to the BF% where it goes away.
  • bigblu89
    bigblu89 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks guys, and gals.

    I'll just keep plugging away then with what I'm doing, and we'll see how it goes.

    I'm still losing, and I am seeing improvement, so I guess I'll just keep keeping on.