Creeping towards 40 and needing all the help I can get!

Hello everyone!

I am a repeat visitor to this site. Several months ago I joined and had began to lose weight. I had lost about 9lbs, (long term goal being 60), then went on a cruise and, well, it was downhill from there! But I am back, with the 9lbs + more, determined to finally make a life long commitment to being healthy. But boy do I need the help and support!! Currently I am utilizing the Abs Diet Plan in conjuction with MFP and am hoping for success. Anyone who is doing something similar, or would like to be my weight loss pal, please friend request me! I would enjoy taking the weight loss journey with you :smile:


  • LisaRDavis
    You are on a great path, making good decisions and be healthier! I know you can do it....and we can do it together my friend :)