'Targeted' Fat Loss - Does It Work?

I mean if I were to focus on doing 100 squats a day would it make me lose weight in that area since I am working those specific muscles?

If not, then is the point of 'targeted' exercises only to gain strength/muscle mass in that area?

I'm so confused.


  • GhirardelliAddict
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I mean if I were to focus on doing 100 squats a day would it make me lose weight in that area since I am working those specific muscles?

    If not, then is the point of 'targeted' exercises only to gain strength/muscle mass in that area?

    I'm so confused.

    You cannot spot reduce
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
  • GhirardelliAddict
    I mean if I were to focus on doing 100 squats a day would it make me lose weight in that area since I am working those specific muscles?

    If not, then is the point of 'targeted' exercises only to gain strength/muscle mass in that area?

    I'm so confused.

    You cannot spot reduce

    Thanks! Then just do cardio to increase overall fat loss?
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    I mean if I were to focus on doing 100 squats a day would it make me lose weight in that area since I am working those specific muscles?

    If not, then is the point of 'targeted' exercises only to gain strength/muscle mass in that area?

    I'm so confused.

    To strengthen that muscle and burn calories.
  • GhirardelliAddict

    Can you explain a bit pretty please ?
  • jevoyager
    jevoyager Posts: 59 Member
    Nope, fat comes off where it wants to come off. Unfortunately :p I always loose in my face first, thighs last. Drives me nuts.
    Targeted exercises develop your muscles in those areas, which can result in a physique that looks better to you.

    Edited to add that its good to do both cardio and strength training, just doing cardio can result in fat AND muscle loss. Do both, that way you can burn fat, but work on muscle development with the strength training. Or just do strength training if you don't have all that much you need to loose, because you will burn fat doing it too though maybe not as much as with cardio (depends on what exercise you're doing and how much).
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I mean if I were to focus on doing 100 squats a day would it make me lose weight in that area since I am working those specific muscles?

    If not, then is the point of 'targeted' exercises only to gain strength/muscle mass in that area?

    I'm so confused.

    You cannot spot reduce

    Thanks! Then just do cardio to increase overall fat loss?

    I'd focus on my diet before worrying about exercise selection
  • GhirardelliAddict

    You cannot spot reduce

    Why not?
  • BRenkwell
    BRenkwell Posts: 30 Member

    You cannot spot reduce

    Why not?

    Because Biology.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I mean if I were to focus on doing 100 squats a day would it make me lose weight in that area since I am working those specific muscles?

    If not, then is the point of 'targeted' exercises only to gain strength/muscle mass in that area?

    I'm so confused.

    Nope that won't work.

    The only thing that drops fat is a calorie deficit. Exercise is for toning up the lean body mass only. You don't want to only exercise one muscle group because that will make you imbalanced. You want a full body workout for women, at least 3 days a week. Weight lifting will give you the most bang for your buck. This is what worked for me and I was quite successful --> http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/740340-i-lost-60-lbs-at-age-51-anyone-can-any-workout

    My shape dramatically improved by putting weight lifting first and cardio 2nd, as well as the calorie deficit.

    You can't out exercise too much food, and you can not control where the fat comes off. The body does it's thing with a calorie deficit. The only way for fat loss is a calorie deficit.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I mean if I were to focus on doing 100 squats a day would it make me lose weight in that area since I am working those specific muscles?

    If not, then is the point of 'targeted' exercises only to gain strength/muscle mass in that area?

    I'm so confused.

    You cannot spot reduce

    Thanks! Then just do cardio to increase overall fat loss?

    Weight training > HIIT > Cardio for fat loss. As acg said, diet is key for fat loss.
  • GhirardelliAddict

    I'd focus on my diet before worrying about exercise selection

    Can you give me a rough break down of the kind of diet you would suggest for me? What percentage of carbohydrates, fats, and protein?

    I'm 24 years old
    33% body fat - I had this measured by a friend last night who is also a personal trainer
    workout 6 days a week, 3 strength training, 3 day cardio
    I work a desk job
    no medical problems
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    Can you explain a bit pretty please ?

    Your question was does targeted fat loss work, and that was my answer!
  • GhirardelliAddict

    Because Biology.

    That's really not my specialty, is it possible to explain it a little better so I could understand? If not I understand :)
  • GhirardelliAddict

    Can you explain a bit pretty please ?

    Your question was does targeted fat loss work, and that was my answer!

    Yes and then I asked you a new question.
  • GhirardelliAddict

    Nope that won't work.

    The only thing that drops fat is a calorie deficit. Exercise is for toning up the lean body mass only. You don't want to only exercise one muscle group because that will make you imbalanced. You want a full body workout for women, at least 3 days a week. Weight lifting will give you the most bang for your buck. This is what worked for me and I was quite successful --> http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/740340-i-lost-60-lbs-at-age-51-anyone-can-any-workout

    My shape dramatically improved by putting weight lifting first and cardio 2nd, as well as the calorie deficit.

    You can't out exercise too much food, and you can not control where the fat comes off. The body does it's thing with a calorie deficit. The only way for fat loss is a calorie deficit.


  • girlykate143
    girlykate143 Posts: 220 Member
    targeted fat loss is one of those myths that magazines use to sell you their mag. Your body doesn't work like that, plain and simple.
    If it were true, my mouth would be super skinny as would my entire neck and throat because my bf says I talk non-stop when I'm at home. Srsly.
    25% fat, 40% good carbs, 35% protein. Also, ask the personal trainer friend for help and explainers too.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member

    Because Biology.

    That's really not my specialty, is it possible to explain it a little better so I could understand? If not I understand :)
    You don't need to know how the biological mechanisms work, and if you do there are plenty of heavy textbooks you could study if you're actually interested in spending a chunk of your life understanding it.

    While it's interesting to know how an internal combustion engine and gearbox work, most learner drivers don't have a clue and this doesn't influence their driving technique in the slightest.

    You just need to know that there is no way for you to influence which parts of your body that fat disappears from.

    Not by exercise.

    Not by eating certain things.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member

    Nope that won't work.

    The only thing that drops fat is a calorie deficit. Exercise is for toning up the lean body mass only. [/quote]

    As much as I have loads of respect for your achievements, this is just not true...

    You can use exercise to create a calorie deficit - and that helps you to not eat at such a huge deficit that you are constantly hungry and grumpy and weak....
    If I eat X amount of calories and not exercise, I will not lose weight. If I eat a litlle more than X amount and exercise, I will lose weight....The second one is much more fun - for weird people like me who loves both food and exercise....