Any Yo-Yo Dieters?

Are any of you out there yo-yo dieters? I have been a yo-yo dieter since I can remeber: losing a lot, and then gaining it back. I am sick of it and I want to stop. I need to get my metabolism back on track. Any tips?


  • jevoyager
    jevoyager Posts: 59 Member
    Me, I was one for many many many years. MFP is a great start to doing a lifestyle change, not dieting. Eating sensibly at a calorie deficit and exercising is the way to go - no crazy crash diets, starvation, deprevation, etc etc all the things diets tell you to do. You can start off with the recommend settings MFP will calculate for you, then talior it to your needs as you read and learn more about what works for you.

    And keep in mind that its usually not a quick thing, it takes time, but again its the way to go IMHO for a nice steady weight loss that is healthy and maintainable. You'll get impatient (I do!) with how long it can take but just keep at it!