Snack Ideas and Chocolate Substitutes!

Hi All,

Just wondering what people recommend as an easy snack to have that you can have at work....I try to have a piece of fruit, carrots with hummus or natural yoghurt with berries but I find myself hitting 3-4pm absolutely craving chocolate....
I know a little bit of chocolate isn't bad for you but I am not good at a 'little' bit so need to go cold turkey for a while...


  • nads1012
    Caramelised nuts. You can make it yourself. Buy a bag of nuts, caramelize sugar in a pan, stir in. You might end up with a big block and have to break bits off. I know it's still sugar, but you get loads of protein and its better than chocolate.
  • dawndelion
    dawndelion Posts: 10 Member
    I am the same way with "little"... So I bring a combination of: string cheese, cheese cubes, lunch meat slices to desk.

    Cravings mean your body needs something. Chocolate means you need magnesium. You can get it from nuts, seeds, legumes, fruit. You can season them with herbs and/or spices (just stay away from chocolate, ha ha). Here's a link to a chart that shows you a list of cravings and what they mean:

    Also, if you're a tea drinker, there's a delicious tea out there, Chocolate Hazelnut. It's helped me outsmart my chocolate cravings!