how to speed up your metabolism? not loseing any weight

how do you speed up your matabolim? or get past a plateau? i havent lost any weight for about 3 weeks now, i have also changed my exercise. i use tojog/walk 5x a week now i do that 3 a week and swim 2x a week. and ive gain a kg!!!
i have stoped loging my exercise in to ensure i do go over my daily calorie intake i eat between 12-1400 calories a day most 1200. i have 6kg to go and nothing budges :(
anyone have any advice or tips?


  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    With that much exercise, you are not eating enough and your body has stalled out. That happened to me when I was trying to eat between 1200-1400 cals.

    I eat 1900 cals now and am losing weight. Try this site and see what calories it recommends you:

    It's basically your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) minus 20%. I bet it's more than 1200 calories :-) I strive to never go below 1200 calories net (so if I burn 1000 calories in a day, I try to eat enough to make up to at least 1200 - most days I don't eat below my BMR (basic metabolic rate) - for me it's 1500.

    Good luck!
  • Lisamb757
    Lisamb757 Posts: 35 Member
    I feel so uncomfortable adding more calories. I don't know what is worse....eating mindlessly like I used to or obsessing over every calorie. I'm pretty sure I have an eating disorder now! I just used that calculator and even setting it for 25% cal reduction it says 1715 per day. I hated doing insanity bc of how much I'd have to eat!
  • mary659497
    mary659497 Posts: 483 Member
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    You will not speed up your RMR while sustaining the same deficit. Two ways to increase RMR:

    1.Assume calorie restriction - preferably for a few consecutive months - then work back to adjusted (not predicted) maintenance and hold for few weeks (may take longer if chronic calorie restriction was sustained for a year or longer). Afterward, you can engage in another cycle of calorie restriction. This allows RMR and leptin concentration levels to return to more optimal levels.
    2.You can also aim to increase lean body mass which will raise RMR.

    The human body is only meant to undergo calorie restriction for short periods of time - the more you have to lose, the longer the period, though. Otherwise, you're doing more damage to your metabolism and satiety signaling of leptin by prolonging such maladaptive feeding behavior. The combination of those two insults will continue the cycle of eating less and pretending you are full on less and less calories.
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    eat healthy, not less ... and move more throughout the entire day.... and your body will sort itself out in no time...

    good luck :)