Anti-depressants and weight loss/gain



  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    Wellbutrin is the only anti-depressant that doesn't have weight gain as a possible side effect, in fact it can help you lose weight (this is per three different doctors ...OB-GYN, GP, and a Psychiatrist). I do take it for depression, and it was chosen by the psychiatrist because I was complaining about my weight. I can't speak for everyone, but it definitely decreased my appetite. I have been on it for about 4 months now. After adjusting dosages, it has really helped with my depression. Of course, as others have said, one med may work for me, and not for somebody else or vice-versa. Sometimes it takes a little trial and error. A previous med I was given several years ago caused me to rapidly gain's like I was always hungry. It did help with the depression, but when I started gaining all that weight, I got depressed about that!

    Also, combining my medication with therapy has been very helpful to me. I would highly recommend that. I hope that you are able to find a doctor that can help you to feel better. All the best to you!