22 & motivated!

Hi! I've never really used an app like this before but, I am always striving to stick to diet plans/working out/etc. But I am a very visual person and I never really kept track of what I was doing and so I felt like I wasn't getting any results. This app has been great so far today, and I'm looking forward to continuing to update it, be motivated and to help motivate others! I feel when I have something like this I can update regularly, it keeps me motivated because I want to show off the hard work I am doing. :smile:

I'm currently 5'8, and weigh approximately 175lbs. I don't really look like I weigh that much, but I've got some hips and thighs I would like to get rid of, and a tummy I'd like to tone. I'd love people that will help motivate me and I will do the same for you! See you around. :drinker:


  • SpiritRockBernie
    i feel that same way. This site and app make it very easy to log in everything from exercise to recipes. Feel free to add me! Go Tigers!
  • mrincredible93
    Hey Detroit,
    Welcome to my fitness pal. It's a really great app, if you use it right. Like any other programs, if people misunderstand it or use it the wrong way, you don't get the full benefit. I'm looking for some more serious minded friends who are using this to lose weight, get fit, and get some other ideas on how to best do this. I'm happily married with 2 daughters. I say this because there are a large number of people here who seem to think this is a dating site or place for singles to meet. I'm NOT one of those. I look at your food diary and make suggestions and I occasionally post exercise knowledge I get from my trainer. I'm not big on posting a "WTG" everytime you sign on for 5 days in a row. I like to laugh and joke too but the #1 reason I'm here is to lose weight, get fit, challenge myself and others and I'm serious about the making healthy changes for life.
    If that appeals to you or anyone else, send me a friend request.
    (Across the lakes in Buffalo)
  • detroitrockcity
    Hey Detroit,
    Welcome to my fitness pal. It's a really great app, if you use it right. Like any other programs, if people misunderstand it or use it the wrong way, you don't get the full benefit. I'm looking for some more serious minded friends who are using this to lose weight, get fit, and get some other ideas on how to best do this. I'm happily married with 2 daughters. I say this because there are a large number of people here who seem to think this is a dating site or place for singles to meet. I'm NOT one of those. I look at your food diary and make suggestions and I occasionally post exercise knowledge I get from my trainer. I'm not big on posting a "WTG" everytime you sign on for 5 days in a row. I like to laugh and joke too but the #1 reason I'm here is to lose weight, get fit, challenge myself and others and I'm serious about the making healthy changes for life.
    If that appeals to you or anyone else, send me a friend request.
    (Across the lakes in Buffalo)

    I've already had a message from some guy treating me as though I'm looking for someone to date on here, and this was before I even posted on here so I have no idea how he found me! That's far from what I'm looking for here. I'm looking for people to help motivate me and ones I can motivate as well. I would love any and all advice you'd have to give me and any suggestions you have to throw my way also. I will gladly send you a friend request!
  • OmegaGator
    OmegaGator Posts: 37 Member
    Woot! Another 22 year old!

    Anyway, its a great program! It's helped me lose weight and hopefully more soon! I just need to stay on it or I go the other way :( Just make sure you put everything down as best as you can! Personally, I don't put down every milligram of butter or oils, I just leave a small buffer and that's been working for me. I believe, you should just find a way that's practical for you and don't make it seem like a chore. Use the forums for motivation, there are plenty of people to talk to for support.

    Best of luck to you!

    P.S. You may want to invest in a food scale, it helps ALOT! But that's just my 2 cents.