im new and lookign for support

Im 18 years old, and ive been struggling wit hmy weight for along time. I've never been happy with the way i look. My friends say it doesnt matter, but to me it does. im well porportined and stuff, but im just un happy. My weight problems have caused deprission and a lack of confidence. which id love to have. Loosing weight id really hard for me because i was born with a metobolic condtion, called pku. or Phenylktonuria. It pretty much means that i was born with out an enzyme that allows me to break down protien. So i can not eat meat or dairy, or any soy. As far as im aware protien is essential in loosing weight, And regaining your muscle. But i still want to try. My biggest problem is i cant fill up on just veggies so i find myself eating bread and chips, just to fill me up . i can never get to my calorie goal just eating healthy, im always under, close to starvation mood. so hopefully this is the first step in trying to help myself .

Id love to find support buddies during this, ive got 88 pounds to go