Weight loss pills



  • Gauseg
    Gauseg Posts: 3
    There is suppose to be something new coming out. Maybe available now. My dietician suggested it but I don't like medications makes me nervous. Your Dr. would know because the pharmacy companies hound them to try the new products.
  • dunlunicor
    dunlunicor Posts: 189 Member
    Diet pills=caffeine and a bunch of crap that doesn't work. If you can't stand coffee, but want the caffeine, try tea or an energy drink (just don't go overboard with these). Starbucks has a drink called a refresher that tastes like juice, but if caffeinated and low-cal.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    There is suppose to be something new coming out. Maybe available now. My dietician suggested it but I don't like medications makes me nervous. Your Dr. would know because the pharmacy companies hound them to try the new products.

    Yes, Qsymia is out now, and Belviq (which is much safer) will be out on the market early next year. Both require a prescription.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Diet pills=caffeine and a bunch of crap that doesn't work. If you can't stand coffee, but want the caffeine, try tea or an energy drink (just don't go overboard with these). Starbucks has a drink called a refresher that tastes like juice, but if caffeinated and low-cal.

    Or you can buy a bottle of 500x200mg caffeine pills for about $15.
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    There is suppose to be something new coming out. Maybe available now. My dietician suggested it but I don't like medications makes me nervous. Your Dr. would know because the pharmacy companies hound them to try the new products.

    Yes, Qsymia is out now, and Belviq (which is much safer) will be out on the market early next year. Both require a prescription.

    I read up on Belviq. Terrible idea.

    Why not just eat right and exercise? Green Tea Extract, ALCAR, caffeine in moderation, B vitamins, naringin, methylsynephrine, PEA alkaloids.

    The ephedra/caffeine/aspirin stack will never be defeated though. Best ever. Cheap and effective.
  • donkeypoop
    donkeypoop Posts: 64 Member
    I tried Oxyelite Pro... It was really awesome and I lost 2-3 lbs every week. It gave me so much motivation to work out and it suppressed my appetite. I wouldn't recommend losing weight this way, but it is a quick way to do it.
  • sarahmichelle876
    I've used oxyelite pro because the guy at GNC said it would help give me energy to work out on days when I was really tired, not for any fat loss properties. I took less than the recommended dosage and it did help with energy, but it also made my chest hurt sometimes. I stopped taking it. I recommend fish oil and maybe vitamins geared toward an active lifestyle. I've never come across a diet pill that works, but some things can help boost energy which is helpful when you've had a really long week. Just be careful with that stuff and don't take too much.
  • Wendyma1
    Wendyma1 Posts: 289 Member
    In the past, before finding this site I was able to get a prescription from my doctor for a medication called Bontril, basically its a legal "upper". It is normally given to patients who are about 300 pounds and need to lose weight fast after nothing else has worked. Now I was no where near that weight and ony wanted to lose about 20 pounds, which did, in about 3 months. You can only take the meds for about that time before it is no longer effective. I kept the weight off for about a year. I have gained 10 of those back. The meds make you very hyper and thristy and total increase your heart rate. Would I use them again??? Probably not, cause I feel healthier now and look better now than I did after losing those 20 pounds cause I'm eating right and exercising. Weight is just weight if you arent toning along with loss!

    Good luck!
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    There is suppose to be something new coming out. Maybe available now. My dietician suggested it but I don't like medications makes me nervous. Your Dr. would know because the pharmacy companies hound them to try the new products.

    Yes, Qsymia is out now, and Belviq (which is much safer) will be out on the market early next year. Both require a prescription.

    I read up on Belviq. Terrible idea.

    Why not just eat right and exercise? Green Tea Extract, ALCAR, caffeine in moderation, B vitamins, naringin, methylsynephrine, PEA alkaloids.

    The ephedra/caffeine/aspirin stack will never be defeated though. Best ever. Cheap and effective.

    You're right, ECA is an inexpensive stack. Too bad DNP is so dangerous, it's great at shedding fat.
  • aussiemegs82
    Drink a few espresso's a day, it will be the same thing as taking those metebolife style diet pills. They only work by pumping your body full of caffeine to increase your heart rate and thereby your metabolism.

    I'm not a believer in the natural supplement stuff either, to be honest. Every peer reviewed study I've read have shown no measurable results/effects with the use of green tea or cinnamon. As Sheldon says, buy them if you want "very expensive urine" :)

    :-) Sheldon is awesome.
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    There are so many out there, a natural food store is a good place to look for natural stuff but the keyword is are you looking for a diaredic/water pill or a energy booster/caffiene pill or fat burner/alli drug or multivitamin/one a day matabolisim or all natural appetite surrpresant/some of the stuff mentioned above? Also, what is the main cause?? Are you losing weight slowly or not at all? Have you talked to your doctor about vitamin D or B levels or Thyroid which is directly related to your metabolism and how fast you burn the fat off? Are you lifting weights? What about your patassiam levels? Hormone levels? Are you on birth control? I had an IUD and couldn't lose weight at all or very hard.

    Sorry about the 20 questions but it is important to consider when chosing a diet pill, you can get really ill. I have been on several and they work for a time but nothing has worked better than making sure my system is balanced first and just eating right and exercising. Also, because of diet pills I was bulimic and would drink laxatives, starve, binge, and take water pills until I lost the desired weight. It was an obsession. Take it from me, it does work but it is a short term fix.
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392

    You're right, ECA is an inexpensive stack. Too bad DNP is so dangerous, it's great at shedding fat.

    True. So is Clen lol.

    Fat Free by Applied Nutriceuticals = good stuff.
    OxyElitePro, now off the market due to DMAA, made my d*ck limp.
    GAT JetFuel is a safe bet and they make pyro for stim sensitive people
    I'm currently using Hyper T2: 3,5 Diiodo L-thyronine+ rauwolcine FTW!
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    lipozene worked for me once..then i couldnt afford it anymore, so i gained it back..i still use it on occasion for a boost..good luck
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Clen/cytomel stack, boom!

    PES Alpha T2 old formula was good. Had 3,3 ' T2 and methyl synephrine and raulwolscine. But they pulled the MS if I recall.
    Any advantage of the 3,5' vs the 3,3' T2?
  • Jynus
    Jynus Posts: 519 Member
    This thread makes me depressed.

    Far as I know there is no such thing as a legal fat burner on the market. You fools are spending cash on placebo.. You're more than welcome to show me a blind trial proving the case, but I'm quite sure there is none.

    Even the ones that did work like ECA, only had a boost of like 20% fat loss when optimal diet was in effect. And diet not in effect was 0%.
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    Clen/cytomel stack, boom!

    PES Alpha T2 old formula was good. Had 3,3 ' T2 and methyl synephrine and raulwolscine. But they pulled the MS if I recall.
    Any advantage of the 3,5' vs the 3,3' T2?
    Yeah but you can still find MS as a single item and stack if you want. I ran the original AT2 and the reformulated, the original was better obviously.. This is good by comparison.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    If pills actually worked dont you think we would be much more healthy of a nation. Its about diet and exercise (weight training and cardio).
  • LisaWilson2012
    LisaWilson2012 Posts: 118 Member
    green tea is a natural fat burner

    I definately agree with this. Packed full of anti-oxidants too.

    A friend of mine likes the the Silver ones. She had them checked out and approved by her GP who declared they are just herbal.

    Good luck xx
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    There are so many out there, a natural food store is a good place to look for natural stuff but the keyword is are you looking for a diaredic/water pill or a energy booster/caffiene pill or fat burner/alli drug or multivitamin/one a day matabolisim or all natural appetite surrpresant/some of the stuff mentioned above? Also, what is the main cause?? Are you losing weight slowly or not at all? Have you talked to your doctor about vitamin D or B levels or Thyroid which is directly related to your metabolism and how fast you burn the fat off? Are you lifting weights? What about your patassiam levels? Hormone levels? Are you on birth control? I had an IUD and couldn't lose weight at all or very hard.

    Sorry about the 20 questions but it is important to consider when chosing a diet pill, you can get really ill. I have been on several and they work for a time but nothing has worked better than making sure my system is balanced first and just eating right and exercising. Also, because of diet pills I was bulimic and would drink laxatives, starve, binge, and take water pills until I lost the desired weight. It was an obsession. Take it from me, it does work but it is a short term fix.

    I dont know what i am looking for, i heard of adipex and how it works but i do read on the side effects.? i am losing weight fast but this is my first week so IDK about how often in the future. Never talked to doctor about fat or metabolism. No on weights i am trying to get a gym membership. don't know potassium or hormone levels. Yes i do take birth control.
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    If pills actually worked dont you think we would be much more healthy of a nation. Its about diet and exercise (weight training and cardio).

    I actually don't know about pills. For me this week I have cut down alot in my calorie intake and making sure i at least walk everyday instead of sitting on the couch watching TV. I am forcing myself to get up and everyday it gets easier. Now for weight training I have a bad back and i need to find what works best for me.