Hello Everyone

Hi my name is Tom. Just joined a couple of days ago. After spending a lot of my younger days in the defence force I was quite lean and very fit. These days I'm quite sedentary and have packed on a spare tyre and I hope this site helps me get rid of it.


  • malicent
    malicent Posts: 127
    omg Tom I don't trust you you look scary Tom........... >.>
  • MikesterAZ
    MikesterAZ Posts: 67 Member
    Welcome to MFP ... I just joined last week and am loving it so far!! I haven't really lost any weight yet but look, it's only been a week, but I have a feeling by the time I actually weigh myself next (which only happens when I go to the doctor so technically I might actually have lost weight but just don't know it) I will be pleasantly surprised!! The first couple of days were a real shocker but now I'm getting used to the expectations of a "normal" day and have found it's not all that intolerable. I'm gradualling increasing the amount of exercise too ..... so, having said that, again welcome and good luck!!