

My name is Sally , i am 43 and i have been a very bad yo yo dieter for years...putting more weight on than losing it....

A few weeks ago i ended up in hospital with yet another bout of cellulitus...not helped by my diagnosis of Diabetes last year.
I have Diabetes purely through being over weight...this is not a nice nice to have at all...in the last year i was not treated properly so my blood sugars have been through the roof without me knowing...now i am on lots of medication and have to inject insulin at night......
I am now READY to sort my life out and lose weight...albeit a little too late....but at least i can try and help myself with the onset of other issues linked to Diabetes.....I am weighing in at 128.5 kg atm and it would be good to have some friends and chat on here....

Look forward to hearing from you xxxx

Lots of love Sally xxxxxx


  • Hi Sally

    Its good that you finally have the right treatment inplace :) Friend request sent, look forward to seeing you being the person you want to be

  • Hi Jodie
    Thanks soooo much xx hope you are doing well too xxx