Antibiotic warning for Cipro...

I have cellulitis from a biopsy and I'm allergic to Penicillian. The doctor wrote me a script for Cipro. It came with a very bold warning stating that Cipro is known to cause tendon problems including; pain and possible breakage of tendons. The achilles tendon is the most affected. It also stated that these problems don't neccessarily come while you are taking the medicine, but may occur several months after the medicine is stopped.

This worries me because I've been limited from physical activity in the past due to injuries and fibromyalgia. I'm finally physically able to workout normally and I LOVE to run. I don't feel like this is worth the risk, I'd almost feel safer taking penicillian and benedryl!

My question is this.

Has anyone ever taken this medicine and had these reactions? (Or known anyone who has?)
I've already taken erythromiacin, what is another antibiotic that I can ask for?



  • hhamilton
    Hi Holly,
    I have taken Cipro before - many times, actually, over the past several years. I have trained, and been in 2 half marathons -even while taking it, and I have never had any problems. I do yoga frequently, though, as a compliment to my running.
    I would recomend you do some gentle stretching after your workout, so you don't do damage to your tendons.
  • leavinglasvegas
    Good to know. Thank you!