Winter is coming....walking isn't an option. HELP!!



  • Ibelievenme2
    Ibelievenme2 Posts: 96 Member
    I have trouble at this time exercising due to a back issue. I have to sit or lay down. If I walk on the treadmill I have to walk 10 minutes 3 times a day or my leg gives out. Also wheelchair exercise is working for me. Hang in there. I too just started back and it is painful but I can't give up.
  • Pmoney97
    Pmoney97 Posts: 1 Member

    Here in VA, our Community Center charges $25 p/YEAR. This gives me access to all of the gyms in that one city. The community centers have pools, free weights, basketball courts, foosball, pingpong tables, and normally a tennis court. Plus it is very lighted and people are constantly arriving and leaving, double plus, they double as a aftercare center (bonus security).
  • Dominque61
    Dominque61 Posts: 22 Member
    put the treadmill in front of the tv to ease boredom.

    switch/ trade for a stationary bike, perhaps

    get the excersie games for the WII.

    turn to the exercise shows on cable

    walk the sideline at your kid's game, if possible.

    I hope one of these will keep you on track! Good luck!
  • I really love audio books. I don't let myself listen to them unless I am walking (treadmill or outside) that way if it's a really good story the only way to find out what happens next is to get off the couch. audible gives you a free audio book for registering. That's about 10 hours to start you off.
  • Dominque61
    Dominque61 Posts: 22 Member
    I love your can do this for YOU!
  • I like to walk around in the mall for exercise whether the weather is too hot or cold to enjoy. Or Barnes and Noble. Something big.

    I also like to play just dance 3 and other dancing games on my kinect and wii. It's fun and it makes you sweat!

    I'm looking forward to purchasing a wii u so I can get wii fit u.

    Just some ideas.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    DDPYoga! All you need is a mat and a TV, it combines cardio, intensity, resistance, strength, & flexibility, and its easier on the joints than walking. I've been doing it since July and I LOVE IT! You can get more info here , and for some inspiration, check out Arthur's story here:

    You can also see all the great things people are saying about it on facebook here:
  • WoW Wow WOW!! You all are amazing! I'm feeling more motivated just by reading everyone's ideas! I feel stupid for not posting on here sooner!!! I'm totally gonna do this now. I just need to get over the thinking that I need an hour straight to work out. I can give it 10 minutes several times a day and be way ahead.

    Also, thanks for the You Tube video ideas. I never thought of that! Look what I've been missing!!!

    Thanks all you wonderful peeps!!!!! :)
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    I have done this before:

    Using a step or some other item that would support my weight, while watching TV (sit-com or drama or what have you). Simply watch the show while doing steps at a comfortable yet challenging pace. When a commercial comes on, change it to something faster or more intense (jumping jacks, mountain climbers, pushups, etc.) until the commercial break is over, then back to stepping. Helped me not feel as guilty about watching TV because I was multi-tasking.

    I also bought one of those bicycle stands where you can mount your street bike and 'ride' indoors so I could change things up a bit. Again, watched TV at a decent pace, but pushed it into overdrive during commercial breaks for interval training.
  • Congrats on your weight loss, thanks for the info will look into it. Have a wonderful day!
  • wanda9501
    wanda9501 Posts: 114
    Wow! Thanks for all the ideas! I can exercise during lunch when I don't have things to do. My job often requires a bunch of errand running during my lunch. I'll try some of the video ideas. I know a lot of my problem is will power too. Just so tired some times all I want to do is lay down. I'm just gonna have to fight through that and do something!

    Thanks again all!!

    I change into my workout gear before I leave work, this way I am already dressed and more likely to go ahead and do it.
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    If you want to make the treadmill less boring (I have this problem too) the only real method I've found lately that helps keep my mind preoccupied is audio books. I have an iPod Touch so I downloaded some free app with books "on tape" and listening to someone read seems to engage my brain more so that I'm paying less attention to the treadmill display and whatever stuff is on the in-home "to do" list around the treadmill. It's strange but listening to someone else read really makes you use your imagination and pay attention where you wouldn't be distracted as well with a favorite song or something.
  • RoseThePenguin
    RoseThePenguin Posts: 100 Member
    My house is freezing just now, and instead of putting the heating on, I did this;

    Now I'm sweating xD
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Dancing, exercise videos, jogging in place, Wii fit, extreme cleaning (scrubbing floors and baseboards)...
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds DVDs. 4 basic moves, can be done in your living room, no jumping or hopping, low impact, good burn!
  • I know the feeling. I hate the treadmill. I have a son that has to be at school early too. I get up at 5:00 am & walk 2 miles which takes about 45 minutes, get back in time to get him off to school and feed everybody else and get to work by 8:30 am. I am to tired after work and football schedules, so that is why I do my walking in the morning. I wear reflecters & some with flashing lights on my shoes when it's dark and bundle up. Oklahoma has squirrely weather so some morning's it already 80 degrees and winter we get down below zero sometimes. Is this something you can do, to change up the dreaded treadmill?
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    Leslie Sansone walking tapes are really good for inside walking. There are different distances on the tapes fo you can do it as long as you want or as little as you want. I put it on music only because sometimes her constant talking drives me nuts! LOL Good Luck.

    ^ This is what I have started doing with the weather changing. So far I really like it. Most are available on youtube to take a look at before you decide to buy them.

    ^^This and this. LOVE Leslie Sansone. Lost 50 pounds with her and kept it off! Now even though I do other things, I still go back to her DVDs a few days a week. I started doing them for a similar reason. Young kids, couldn't get outside. To start, I would wear my workout gear to bed so I could get up early (while they were sleeping), put on my sneakers and go to it. Most of them are anywhere from 30 minutes to 75 minutes, depending on intensity and miles. Good luck!
  • amez1974
    amez1974 Posts: 213 Member
    lol no suggestions to add, but when I read "winter is coming" I immediately thought of "Game of Thrones" Love the book series!
  • If you have a wii, you should try Wii Fit and Zumba. I love them both :) And they really work, especially Zumba.
  • There are actually alot of really great, and quick, workout videos on YouTube, OnDemand and Netflix. They have the walking ones. I've done those on days when I can't get to the gym and it's nasty outside. I also was able to get a Wii Balance Board....that thing is my GoTo in the winter!