Tell us about your pets!



  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    I have a 6 year old terrier mix pound rescue named peanut butter, and a 2 year old little brat chihuahua dog named snickers . I have 2 funny hamsters and 5 fish (warrior, goldie, sara, bruce leroy, and spongebob-suckerfish-pants)
    It is a zoo here, and I am usually watching anyone elses dogs too, not to mention finding other dogs good homes:) lol I love animals:)
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member

    We have three dogs, two cats and two horses. Our "house dog" is a female Neapolitan Mastiff named "Mrs. Fig" although we call her Figgy. She's black with a little brindle and I have pictures of her on my profile (mostly puppy pics). Figgy is big, sweet, a little slow, and totally obsessed with cats. When she catches a cat she pins them down and licks them and very carefully cleans their ears. The cats have learned to put up with it. We named her after a cat lady in Harry Potter before we realized how cat crazy she was!

    Our outside dogs are both rescues - one is a male English setter named Simon. Simon is sweet as pie and does the long lovey looks and just wants to cuddle. He is an occasional house dog but he really wants to be outside. His perfect life would be a house with a doggy door. In the winter he sleeps inside at night, in a crate because he doesn't have the best house manners (we've found him on the dinning room table - just standing there like "what?")

    Betsy is a seven year old beagle - she's beautiful and she's a great hunter but she will not be house trained. We've tried everything. Overall she loves being outside, and once in a while we put a diaper on her and let her hang out with us - but if there's another dog around they think it's funny to pull off the diaper. Betsy is sweet and we love her but she'll pee on your pillow or poo on the bathroom rug and that's just not cool!

    Our cat is Malcolm. He's an orange tiger and he thinks he's a dog. He's awesome and cool! Our boarder has a kitten that might as well be ours, Jasper. Jasper is a grey short haired domestic and he's a snuggly cat. Jasper and Figgy are BFFs!

    Out back we have about 6 acres of fenced pasture with a beautiful Arabian mare, Dreamy, and a scruffy Chincoteague pony named "Pippy". If I can lose another 50 lbs I'd love to start riding again!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    If I can lose another 50 lbs I'd love to start riding again!

    Not "if", WHEN!!!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I have a 2.5 year old male Chorkie names Chewie. He's a whopping 5 pounds! :) I love him to death! He's such a cutie!
  • cassandra1220
    cassandra1220 Posts: 284 Member
    We've got 2 cats (a peach point siamese and a fat tabby who thinks he owns the world), 13 african cichlids (these are fish for those who dont know) and I am anxiously awaiting the birth of my "blue" pit bull. All this, and just to think, my better half has NEVER owned a pet in his life. He's very forgiving :wink:
  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    So, you'll all think I'm nuts (I am) after you read this, but I have 6 dogs, a cat, and 2 budgies.

    In order of adoption:

    *Emma* - collie mix of unknown age, I assume she's about 11 now (I've had her for 7 years & was told she was "between 4 and 7" when I adoped her). She's the BEST dog in the world. The best. Hands down. Period. And, at this point, she understands almost every word I say to her. It's the funniest thing. Half the time I'll just be talking to her not expecting her to really do what I'm telling her to do and then to my surprise she'll do it. The other night I said "Emma, stop roaming around the house sniffing for food and go lie down in your chair!" because she was getting on my nerves and to my utter amazement she made a beeline for "her" chair. :laugh:

    *Giles* - 2.5 year old Italian Greyhound. He's a little spooky around strangers (at one point he'd actually pee himself if they tried to pet him :frown:) but we've been working on it & he'll even take treats from strangers' hands now. He's a total momma's boy despite the fact he's actually my boyfriend's dog. He's by far the best behaved of our Italian Greyhounds.

    *Mo* - 5 year old retired racing greyhound. Love at first sight with this guy. He's monster huge for a greyhound (32" tall, 90 pounds) and boy, he's the love of my life (don't tell my bf). Greyhounds are often listed as the least aggressive/protective dog but my Mo man has an alpha streak (which we've trained out of him immensely in the 2 years we've had him) and he's made it very clear that he will protect me against strange people and strange dogs which is why he's my best walking/running partner. He also looks super tough because he's so big & he's missing half an ear. :tongue:

    *Kid* - 5 year old retired racing greyhound. Kid and Mo are littermates, so it's pretty amazing I have both of them! Kid's waaaayyyy too smart for his own good. My bf doesn't believe me, but I think he's the smartest of all our dogs despite the fact he does the dumbest stuff. There isn't a trashcan invented that he hasn't figured out how to get into. He's a great puzzle solver & he's constantly trying to figure out how stuff works.

    *Bibel* - 6 year old (guess) Italian Greyhound. She was used by a back yard breeder (:explode: ) as "breeding stock" for the first 4-5 years of her life. She had several litters of pups and then they decided they wanted to "get rid" of her so I took her from them with the help of a sighthound rescue. She still has many behavioral issues we're trying to work through but despite our intense efforts she's becoming increasingly afraid of my boyfriend. :cry: I think she has developmental issues due to malnutrition in her early years. She's the sweetest little girl, though, and she loves to snuggle with me and just stare up into my eyes. She breaks my heart.

    *Spike* - 2 year old Italian Greyhound. BYB cast-off (did I mention :explode: ?) due to being a poor example of his breed. He's quite a spaz but he's the sweetest little guy around. I think he may be a little developmentally delayed (mentally) but when he finally catches onto something he's the proudest pup I've ever seen. He broke both his right front leg and his left front leg this year & is still recovering from the last.

    *Pickles* - 3 year old budgie - blue and white. She's the most tame of my 2 budgies & is the one I've worked with the most.

    *Nona* - 2.5 year old budgie - blue/yellow/green. She's never been tame but is so beautiful I decided to take her home anyway. She's definitely the noisiest of the 2 budgies.

    *Peebie* - 10 month old long haired mutt kitten. She's one of the neatest looking cats I've ever seen. Calico, but very splotchy and striped. Her tail is as big as the rest of her (she's still under 6 pounds!). She was seperated from her mother & siblings at too young of an age (5 weeks) and has the classic problems that come with that. She's very attached to and dependent on my boyfriend and me, but she looks at us as playmates so constantly tries to play with us (by attacking us... with all the claws and the teeth...). She's named Peebie because, again, she was taken away from her mother before she learned how to clean herself. I was struggling to come up with a name that fit her (I had wanted to name her Druscilla but it just didn't work) so I started caling her Poopy Bottom. Which of course became PB, and then Peebie.

    <3 my zoo! All of my dogs are rawfed (whole prey model) & my cat is 75% grain free kibble 25% raw fed (she still hasn't figured out how to chomp bones so that's why I continue with the kibble... :frown:). I'm sure lots of people will think I'm kooky, but I switched to rawfeeding exactly a year ago and I've been immensely impressed with how much my dogs' health improved after the switch from premium kibble (Taste of the Wild). No more dentals needed (IGs and greys have notoriously bad teeth), no more itchy/dry skin, bigger muscles, shinier/softer fur, no more upset tummies, LESS POOP! Awesome! :laugh:

    Edit: Woah... long. Sorry. :embarassed:

    Sure would be nice to stop those expensive dentals.....sure are expensive when you have two!!!
  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    I have two retired greyhounds, both 10 years old, Jake and Kelly, I've had them both about 5 years.

    I have a 10 year old nanday conure I got when he was a baby, he's very noisy.

    I recently rescued from the humane society a red bellied parrot, he's very sweet, 2 years old and his name is Rufus, he's in the pic.
  • casey34472
    casey34472 Posts: 280 Member
    I have a 5yr old Chihuahua / Jack Russel mix. He was a rescue dog.:smile: Have a chinchilla named spazz and lots of fish.
  • I have a border collie mix named Mae. She's 12 years old. I've had her for half of my life! (I'm 24.) Her mother died when she was only 4 weeks old. I raised her from a tiny puppy myself (with some help from my family!). We're best buddies! I love her soooooo much and I hope we will still have many more years together.

    I also have an albino corn snake named Marzipan. I got her when she was only 9 inches long! She's now 4 years old and approaching a whopping 5 feet!! She can be a bit nippy at times, but she's mostly lazy and docile. She's soooo pretty!

    I had two pet rats, but they passed away recently. :cry: Their names were Kotick and Catch. They were some of the best rats I've had in my life. (I've had 13 total!!) I don't think I will have rats again. I love them, but they break my poor heart! It's a shame their little lives aren't longer.

    Lately I've been wanting a bunny!
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    I love reading about all of your pets!!
  • kmoyers
    kmoyers Posts: 18
    We have a 4 year old boxer named Cassius Dior. He loves feet, chew toys, chasing anything, treats, naps, couch time, our son, walks (runs), and play time. He is a part of our family not a dog. We had to put our Sammy dog to rest in December. RIP my little brown weiner friend. We miss you!
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    <3 my zoo! All of my dogs are rawfed (whole prey model) & my cat is 75% grain free kibble 25% raw fed (she still hasn't figured out how to chomp bones so that's why I continue with the kibble... :frown:). I'm sure lots of people will think I'm kooky, but I switched to rawfeeding exactly a year ago and I've been immensely impressed with how much my dogs' health improved after the switch from premium kibble (Taste of the Wild). No more dentals needed (IGs and greys have notoriously bad teeth), no more itchy/dry skin, bigger muscles, shinier/softer fur, no more upset tummies, LESS POOP! Awesome! :laugh:

    Edit: Woah... long. Sorry. :embarassed:

    lol cut off the beginning, you have quite a menagere!! What do you feed your dogs? I've tried to rawfeed but unfortunately my animals all like to pull their food out of their dishes to eat it, and one dog in particular likes to take his food into the living room to eat off the carpet in there... raw chicken+carpet=ewwwww! so we're back on kibble. When we move to a bigger house and can get a designated feeding room thats all tiled or laminate I'd like to try again.
  • Sephs
    Sephs Posts: 9
    I have an absolutely adorable bichon frise who is 4 years old and goes by the name of Harley! He's the love of my life, couldn't imagine life without him.
  • I am owned by two purebred Rhodesian Ridgeback dogs. They are lean large athletic hounds, and are not for everyone. The first girl Mika came from a back yard breeder in Virginia. I don't recommend getting a puppy from anyone but a reputable breeder, as they are riddled with health problems. My second Ridgeback girl came from a reputable breeder in North Carolina. I have been involved in canine performance events since 2006. The dogs keep me active, and busy. I regulalrly attend dogs shows, performance events, and other dog related events all over the region. I now live in Northeastern MD so now have even more events to attend! We even have our own website Check us out!
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    I have an almost 2 year old (his birthday is this Saturday :happy: ) Goldendoodle named Oliver. I didn't realize that dogs this well behaved even existed. We (my hubby and I) are totally spoiled by his laid back disposition. He is the sweetest puppy and is afraid of EVERYTHING. But, when my husband travels out of town he becomes very protective over the house and me. He goes wherever we go and has already seen more states than most people have :bigsmile: . He is obedient and adorable and loves to lay on your feet - that way you can't sneak away without him knowing. :wink: He is never in a room in the house that we aren't in.

    Basically, he's a huge, fluffy teddy bear and I wouldn't trade him for the world!
  • My boy Reilly is my avatar. He's three years old now and the best exercise motivator I have. Needs a run around the park every day or he brings me toys until I get off my butt and play with him.
  • Lauralovesmfp
    Lauralovesmfp Posts: 270 Member
    I have another Lilly :) We have two fawn pugs. Lilly is 3.5 and we have just got Bella who is almost 3 months. Lilly is always wanting to be touching us. On our laps, in our bed, in the car etc. She has to touch you when she sleeps. We have never hardly been apart except for one two week holiday. I work at home and she is my baby girl. I sing songs about her and kiss her on the lips and she hates that but I don't care! My family thinks we're "in love" and I say "YES!" She is on me in my avatar too lol. She's laying in my lap right now even though she's hot and panting. Everyone tries to steal her at night to sleep with but she always comes back to Momma.

    Now Bella or Baby Belle as I have started calling her is much more forthcoming. She is very social and likes to eat Lilly and jump on her like a cat. She has needle teeth and claws and hates to be touching you in the bed at night. She itches to get down and run all around. She is determined to walk here in the Yukon at -temps but freezes up and reluctantly goes in my coat with her head sticking out. But she loves to kiss which I adore because Lilly hates it. Total opposites. Bella will bark at Lilly when she is eating and Lilly will chase her and Bella circles back and eats her food. Lilly just watches. Bella does this with bones as well and pushes her way into the water dish as Lilly is drinking. I think for sure she will be the alpha dog. I tell Lilly to grow a backbone but she just stares at me with those sad puggie eyes. Bella is of course just coming into her own. It will be neat to see how she turns out.

    I, too, love my pugs!
  • Lauralovesmfp
    Lauralovesmfp Posts: 270 Member
    We have 2 fawn pugs, Rosie who is10 ( mamma ) and Lily 8 her daughter. Rosie was our first dog and she had one litter. We kept Lily and she had one litter as well. They are my "girlz", as we have 2 boys, 20 and 17. Rosie has always been the mother hen. She helped clean Lily's puppies and to this day still cleans Lily's ears and face! She is a morning girl and is ready to go out at 6 am. She has hypo-thyroidism and is on medication for that and is a little chunky @ 25 lbs, but stocky too. Whenever anyone gives her attention, pets her or picks her up she will bark and spin in a circle chasing her tail. Quite entertaining! Lily, on the other hand is a daddy's girl and a little obsessive. She won't share any of her toys and even takes them outside with her when she goes out to do her thing. We had to break down and buy her a new pair of baby, size 1 shoes cuz her last pair are out in about a foot of snow now....somewhere in the yard! They both snore and make all kinds of puggy-grunting- noises. When all is quiet in the house, they are the only ones to be heard! Love my puggers! :heart:

    We need to start a pug-lover's group girl :)
  • We have two Chihuahuas: Buster and Daisy. Buster is kind of standoffish and not a huge cuddler, but he can be a sweetheart once in a blue moon. Daisy is a love bug who wants to be on your lap and/or getting a belly rub about 99% of the time. They are my babies :smile:
  • Well I have the best little dog I could ask Pomeranian, Lulu just turned 1 year on the January the 31th of 2010! She is black and has white on the tips of her toes, on the tip of her chin, and on her belly!! She is very beautiful and I am not just saying that because she is mine! Most of the time she thinks that she is a huge dog and she will try to attack anything! She loves her toys and loves when she has a friend to play with regardless if it is people, children, or other animals! She will let you know if she doesn't like something, like unexpected noises, movement, etc! She is VERY talkative and loves to say what is on her mind! And Lulu is so smart so knows pretty much all the tricks in the book, my favorite one is when you say "sing and dance" it is just so cute...she barks and gets on her back legs and hops and go in circles! And let me say that she loves the cheapest, yes my dog would either have a piece of ice then a bone or some kind of treat! But she does love going to the bank, they always have those good bones she loves! But don't let any of that fool you, she is very spoiled and so that means at times she can get very moody! And the one thing that i want her to STOP downing is, every time someone comes to the house she will bark and jump all over them till she is ready to stop, and trust me that is like forever! But i have to say she is very funny, she watches TV(her favorite show is 7th Heaven), barks when a show on the TV door bell rings, and will go crazy if someone has a laser light! I have to say I have the best of all worlds when it comes to my puppy...well she is still a puppy to me!! And let me say that she is a huge cuddle buddy and she is small but will take the whole bed!! But I love her and she is my pride and joy!
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