Elliptical seems impossible!



  • breasonable
    breasonable Posts: 115 Member
    I also know exactly what you are saying.. The first time I tried I did it for 2 mins and my legs was burning so bad I thought I was going to puke.. I was think there is no way I am going to be able to do this... Then I built up to over an hour.. I just started back doing it again and I'm back at 40 mins today!! woo hoo you can do it.. Just build your self up and like everyone said slow down like 40 rpms and resistance 1... Good luck!
  • migdalp
    migdalp Posts: 50 Member
    Oh you'll get use to it. It will probably be your favorite after all. I love that machine. I started with 10 minutes at resistant 1, a month later I'm on it for 1 hour at least and the last resistant "20". It takes time I tell you.
  • Keep at it, eventually it will get easier. I love that machine, was rough at first, now I can do a hour easily, you can do it.


    This right here. It WILL get easier. Don't give up. I was only doing 20 minutes at first, then 30. Next thing I know, I'm doing 100 minutes! Any progress IS progress. Never forget the small steps! :-)
  • When I started doing the Elliptical I could only do 1 minute and thought to myself holy crap it looked like it was going to be pretty easy... and then came to the conclusion nothing is going to be easy so the next time I pushed myself for 13 minutes... It sounds funny but what I did to get work myself through it was count how many times my right arm came back to me ... and every 100th time I looked down and the timer 3 minutes had gone by and I started back at 1 I know it might not work for but it worked for me to take my mind off of my legs and what I was actually doing and focus my attention on that little goal (to move my arm back and forth 100 times) and not the big goal of 13 minutes. If you feel as if you can up your time Do It, I have been doing this for a week and a half like this and I'm going to try doing a little more time. So my advice is to keep trying and you will get better just try to find something so that your not looking at that time clock wondering if there is going to be an end Good Luck
  • ColonCh
    ColonCh Posts: 7 Member
    I started exercising 6 weeks ago and have stuck to a routine 5 days a week at the gym, 3 days circuit & Cardio and 2 Days just walking. I wanted to step it up(not losing weight) because I notice everyone doing 30 minutes on the Elliptical , I got on and couldn't do but 2 minutes! OMG I thought I was going to pass out.

    I know you have to start somewhere but I would think I could have done more than that without passing out. I have over 100 pounds to lose so my weight is probably preventing my body from this machine but I'm going to keep at it even if I can only do 2 minutes at a time lol.

    I have had a very inactive lifestyle the past 10 years with basically NO exercise so this last six weeks has been hard but I feel so much better already.

    Its funny! I had the same experience! I also did 2 minutes and thought I was going to die! That was 3 years ago. I ended up working myself up to 10 minutes at a time but I progressed it slowly. When I started the eliptical a month ago, I thought I would have the same reaction as the first time but I was able to do 10 minutes and then now I have gotten to 15 minutes. Just give it some time and don't try to do too much at once!
  • I hate the elliptical. I run a a lot of long distance runs, but I can't last a minute on the elliptical. The movement feels unnatural. I don't like that I can't keep my own stride length (the elliptical makes me feel like I'm doing the splits) and I hate holding the handles so far away from my body. I hate everything about it. It might just not be for you. Try something else.

    Sherri I was the same way until my feet and less just needed a rest from running on the pavement and alot of Serious fit runners cross train with the Spin class and that sucked for mi, but I think the elliptical choice you have at your gym sucks....the one I like to use is called an arc trainer and I agree w/the above comment I H8 the arms things and the numbness I get in my feet....so I try to switch it up in positioning my feet, and moveing my torso side to side in a dance motion/side crunch or going FWD then BWD with zero resistance and the one I use does not go up and down...Hope this helps
  • scubamom2012
    scubamom2012 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for the positive reinforcement everyone..thanks Jess
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    There must be something wrong with me... I can do the elliptical for hours, and do it at least 40 min. daily... beats running, walking, lifting, anything. Of course, I am still big...
  • kinmad4it
    kinmad4it Posts: 185 Member
    I definitely enjoy doing the eliptical more than the treadmill, always hated running. Never sure whether to bounce though or try and keep my upper body as still as possible.
    Something strange happened on my screen on the eliptical the other day. I'd got the rpm up to around 180 ish and was really giving it some welly when it told me to "stride faster" I was like WTF?!! I normally go around 140 to 150 so to then tell me to go even faster was a bit puzzling to say the least.