Weight Routine for toning/tightening.

Mark1984Scotland Posts: 84
edited January 1 in Fitness and Exercise

I have recently went from 23st 3lbs to 17st 4lbs (325lbs down to 242lbs) doing 99% cardio.

I have been very lucky in that there isn't much if any loose skin and I am now looking at starting a weight routine to A) Tighten up the very small amount of loose skin I do have by bulking up the muscle under it and B) Starting to get a better shape to my body than just slim.

I don't know where to start or what routines to do.

If anyone can give me any advice on a simple beginners program aimed at the above then I would really appreciate it.

I know a small amount about routines like finding my one rep max etc but if anyone could give advice on type of lifts, number of sets, what % of one rep max I should lifting and a good way to split the routines up i.e. Legs one night, Chest and Back another night and Biceps and Abdomen another night etc that would be very helpful.



  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 627 Member
    If you are just starting out as a lifter I'd recommend splitting into two phases...upper body and lower body.

    Warm up with some cardio 5-10 minutes then do upper body and then the following day repeat with lower body being the focus.

    As far as particular exercises...depends where the loose skin is...typically the best exercise for toning up is squats, deads and lunges but I wouldent focus soley on those...incorporate everything in there!

    Try to go for the highest possible weight you can finish 8-10 reps with a single time....do this until you have a good understanding of all the workouts and where your strength is. Typically this will take messing up at least once with each machine before you get it right...but once you do, the following time working that area...do 2 sets....after a few weeks/months and once you build more strength do 3 sets. After a couple more weeks/months and once you can complete 3 sets, raise the weight up. This will tone you the best in my opinion.

    Edited for some clarification.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Strong Lifts.

    Google it - it's a great starting point for beginners.
  • Anyone else got any other advice? Thanks for the replies so far.
  • Thanks for that very useful
  • Another quick question, would taking creatine be beneficial at the moment or should I weight until I have lost some more fat %?

    I currently have one scoop of Sci Mx Diet Shake post workout.

  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    do you eat red meat or other natural sources of creatine?
  • I mainly eat Fruit, Chicken and Fibre (weetabix etc)
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