Did you give up "yummy" food?



  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    The weird thing is, the food that you don't think is yummy right now, gets yummier as you eat more of it.

    Not veggies. =( At least for me. :flowerforyou:

    I won't eat canned veggies at all, ever. Only fresh or frozen. Do you not like ANY veggies and have you tried all varieties (fresh/frozen/canned)
  • 9xuzts
    9xuzts Posts: 40
    It really depends...since I am a chocoholic I usually eat some every day, but plan it into my calories. Otherwise, I just don't drink things like juice and pop anymore because I saw that it was kind of like throwing away those calories...
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I haven't given up anything.

    I have reduced either the quantity of certain foods or the frequency at which I eat them.
  • Sailorwind
    Sailorwind Posts: 158 Member
    I haven't given up my favorite foods, I've just become more selective about them. I will still eat chocolate cake and brownies and french fries and burgers, but now I will only eat them when it is a truly GOOD version of it. And honestly, the less I eat the fast food/pre-manufactured varieties of my favorite foods, the less I crave them. McDonalds used to always be my comfort food, especially as I used to spend quite a lot of time outside the US and it was the one place I could count on to taste the same no matter where I was. I drove by it tonight and had a cringe reflex. I can't stand the thought of that much grease anywhere near my body, never mind going IN it, anymore.

    I think the hardest part was seperating "I want that" from "I want the idea of that because I remember it as delicious". If I really want it, I'll usually make it myself so I can control what goes into it.
  • shellylist
    shellylist Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, initially you could say I gave up "yummy foods," and I'm down over 35 lbs now. I am on the Ideal Protein diet and have grown accustomed to what I've been eating and rather enjoy the food now. It took a while though, I'll admit. I am able to eat out, but choose steamed broccoli, a 6 oz sirloin steak and a house salad and bring my own Walden Farms Creamy Bacon salad dressing and that is filling for me.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    You will find that most of the people who give up favorite foods fail to maintain whatever loss they achieve.
  • wiltl
    wiltl Posts: 188 Member
    In general, no I haven't given up anything in particular. I'm trying to moderate so that I don't fall off the wagon. But, I realized that I haven't had a Quiznos sub since January 29th of this year. It was the day I signed up for MFP and that is what I had for lunch that day. I guess I made the sub-consious association.

    But, I've also learned that I can have things I like occassionally and look for healthier versions of things. I will use laughing cow cheese instead of sliced or pop chips instead of ruffles/lays, carrots as a crunchy item, etc. I do and will continue to do a day here or there where I don't count everything (I truly don't care about my log-in record, the total loss to date is my motivation), and I've still lost. I also don't call them cheat days, as it implies I'm doing something wrong. I don't feel that way at all, as I think of it as "Life".
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,189 Member
    No. I just ate a reasonable amount. No one is saying you have to eat the whole plate of food from an eatery. Divide it up and take some home.
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    I don't believe in giving up yummy food. I just eat it in moderation now - if I had to give up stuff I loved I could never keep it up. I made a decision to change my life which meant not depriving myself forever!
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    Funny but I found what I thought I like the most (prime rib)
    was not hard to give up
    But CAKE is. It works best for me just not to eat any,
    taking the first bite and I'm sucked in.
    So I just don't do it
  • Alicia7519
    The food diary on this site has made me very selective about the foods I eat or liquids that I drink. I don't have a cheat day, instead if there is something I want, I will have a small portion. For example, today my husband is preparing my birthday dinner and instead of buying a cake,he is getting a brownie for me from my favorite bakery. Also, we are having grilled hamburgers. I like potato chips A LOT, especially with burgers. I have not had eaten chips in over a month. I've asked him to buy a small bag of potato chips and we are going to split it between the two of us. I exercised today and will probably go for a walk before dinner. Tomorrow, I'll get back with the program.
  • emilydumarce
    emilydumarce Posts: 46 Member
    mmm olive garden. excuse me while i drool lol. i dont have cheat days but more like a cheat meal. aka a good breakfast and lunch but something super yummy for dinner. i just try to stay away from candy. ive read that when you eat candy, choc etc. theres a chemical that stays in your body for up to 7 days that will make you crave it. regardless, i do have the occassional chocolate, ice cream, pizza, and rarely alcohol. but 2 to 3 times a year eating out at a nice restaurant is totally possible too (: hope this helps!!
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    1. Did you give up eating your favorite foods?
    2. Did you replace them, cut down, or just get rid of them?
    3. Do you have "cheat" days?

    1. Yes, on a regular basis I have given up eating many foods that I like but felt were too high in unhealthy ingredients or calories. But if it's something I really like I will occasionally have it. Depending on just how high calorie or how unhealthy I believe it to be, occasionally maybe every couple of weeks or 2-3 times a year.

    2. I make healthier versions of many of my favorite high calorie or unhealthy foods. In some cases I've found I like the healthy versions better and very rarely eat the original verson. In others, I still splurge on the real thing occasionally because the healthier version just isn't quite as good.

    3. I don't plan cheat days, but yes, I have days where I eat and drink with abandon. These are usually occasions (birthdays, reunions, parties, holidays, etc.) I also don't eat the same number of calories every day so some days I'm under the MFP limit and some days I go over, which could be considered a cheat day I suppose.

    ^^^This is exactly what I've done and I don't feel deprived in any way. As a matter of fact, the foods I once found "yummy" I don't find so yummy anymore.
  • CrystalFlury
    CrystalFlury Posts: 400 Member
    I just calculated a normal Olive garden trip for me, and it's around 2500 calories in one sitting...
    and the chili cheese fries I love downtown are more that 1500 calories..
    and my favorite wrap is about 1500 as well..

    I will definitely think twice about eating out, now...
    That's CRAZY

    Did you give up eating your favorite foods?
    Did you replace them, cut down, or just get rid of them?
    Do you have "cheat" days?

    I didn't really give anything up for good, I did cut down--majorly--on them when I was in the process of losing. I wanted so badly to hit my goal. I now realize, even though I'm at my goal, that I probably made a mistake doing that. I loosened up on myself when it came to eating more enjoyable foods that for a while there I had no self control when my favorites came around.

    I certainly avoid fast food all together when I can because A. it just doesn't taste good (why waste my calories on crap) and B. it doesn't satisfy me. I do tend to make MUCH healthier choices when it comes to eating out--staying away from chicken fingers, french fries, completely fried, butter up dishes. I have changed my lifestyle and become more aware of my food choices all together, however, I'm a sugaraholic.

    I still struggle with portion control on dessert items. Recently, I bought a bag of candy corn (because it's completely awesome and delicious) and it lasted a total of 2 days. I've learned, individually wrapped sweet items are a better way to go, or better yet, not buying them for the house. It's something I've struggled with ever since I was a kid--sneaking tastes of frosting here and there, eating candy when bored... It's a BAD habit and one that I'm sure takes a longer time to break considering it was a life-long habit.
  • LeanNTrim
    LeanNTrim Posts: 15 Member
    I didn't give up all of my yummy foods, just some of the one's that are the highest in calories, fat, etc. I'll modify the one's that I can't really indulge in just to make them more calorie friendly. I subsitute some ingredients to get the same taste and satisfaction that I'm looking for. As for cheat days....it's not a cheat if I can factor it into my daily calorie intake. I'm "saving myself" until Thanksgiving Day! Then I can call it an official cheat day...I'm counting down the days to turkey day! LOL! :laugh:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Did you give up eating your favorite foods?

    Nope. Not at all. I cut out some foods that I ate out of pure convenience that weren't particularly healthy but high in calories, like Pop Tarts or Hamburger Helper, but I wouldn't call any of them my favorites.

    Did you replace them, cut down, or just get rid of them?

    I made them fit. Even while I was losing, I typically ate 1800-2000 calories after exercise calories, so I typically ate about 1000 calories for dinner. Most everything I eat will fit in that range. Half a DiGiorno pizza is about 850-1000.

    Do you have "cheat" days?

    I don't log on weekends. Just like an ostrich with the head in the sand ignoring calories. I'm not saying I binge or splurge, but if the opportunity to go out for dinner or go to a party arises, I'm going to take it and enjoy it.
  • TravelDog14
    TravelDog14 Posts: 317 Member
    I don't eat out that often, and never did, so there's been no sacrifice on that front. But I have completely given up the cookies, cake, and ice cream that I used to eat in astronomical proportions.

    There's no true need for me to eat them, and with my pre-diabetic diagnosis there's even more reason for me to steer clear of high fat snacks and desserts.

    I don't have cheat days. In fact I don't understand the concept. I need to eat healthy and cheating defeats that. Any cravings I have are mine to combat, not cave into.
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    I didn't give up anything entirely, but I did cut WAY back. And in the process I discovered all kinds of other yummy foods that I wasn't eating before.

    I don't "cheat". If I want something, and if it fits, I have it, log it, and move on. I just do it infrequently.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    No I eat yummy food everyday.
    If I eat out I think about my choices, but not to much as I only really go out once or twice a year anyway.

    For unhealthy yummy foods I have merely cut back. I don't have treat days, but I work my calories on a weekly basis so I do closer to whatever I want on the weekends as long as I don't go over weekly goal.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I have one cheat day a week, but even then I set the limits on my calories. I haven't intentionally given any foods up, but I realize that certain foods have lots of calories and, if I eat them now, I will be hungry and out of calories to spend later. Sometimes, it's worth it, sometimes it isn't. Also, I have one food that I know I will binge on if I buy it, so I've stayed away from it entirely.